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 Post subject: FN-rapport, januar 2010
PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 4:21 pm 
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Joined: Wed Feb 08, 2006 9:13 am
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Ny FN-rapport om hvordan Norge forholder seg til Barnekonvensjonen foreligger nå på nett (pdf): ... R.CO.4.pdf

FN bekymrer seg over at bortplassering av barn øker i Norge, og videre anbefaler de staten å følge opp barn som er under offentlig "omsorg" og regelmessig vurdere tilbakeføring til familien.

Jeg sakser ut det som angår "våre" artikler:

5. Family environment and alternative care(arts. 5, 18 (paras.1-2), 9-11, 19-21, 25, 27 (para.4) and 39 of the Convention)

Family environment

32. The Committee welcomes the extension of paternal parental leave to ten weeks. The Committee also notes that cohabiting parents routinely receive joint parental responsibility for their children under the Children Act, and that family counseling services have been expanded and strengthened to assist parents in their capacities and responsibilities. The Committee is concerned, however, at information that, in cases of separation and conflict, judges and experts may not be sufficiently qualified, that children do not receive assistance to ensure contact, if it is in their best interests, with both parents in the case of separation and conflict and that the right of a child to live with his or her parents is not adequately considered when the deportation of a parent is impending. The Committee is furthermore concerned that the continued relation of a child to her/his parent in prison is not sufficiently supported. The Committee is also concerned that, except in cases of severe neglect and abuse, parental consent is needed before the Child Welfare Services can provide assistance to a child and notes that because of this a child in need of assistance may not receive it.

33. The Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to assist parents to competently exercise their parental responsibilities and to enhance the capacities of all professionals and practitioners who are involved in counseling, conflict resolution or family separation issues to support the continuation of family life or find the most acceptable custody solution and, in the case of divorce or separation, to assist children’s contact with both parents, considering under all circumstances the best interests of the child. The Committee also recommends that the right of a child to live with his or her parents be adequately considered in cases of deportation of a parent and that prison authorities facilitate the visiting arrangements of a child with his or her imprisoned parent. The Committee further recommends that children are given the right to address the Child Welfare Services independently of their parent’s consent if informing the parents would obstruct the possibility to provide assistance to the child.

Children deprived of a family environment

34. The Committee notes that the State party has made efforts to decrease the placement in residential care institutions of children who cannot live with their parents, instead using foster homes whenever possible. However, the Committee is concerned that despite extensive assistance at home, the number of children taken into out of family care has increased. The Committee notes with regret that not all children in foster homes have someone appointed for their supervision and that supervisors may not be sufficiently prepared for their tasks. The Committee is also concerned that suitable alternatives are not available at all places and, therefore, the placement of a child is sometimes dependent on chance The Committee is further concerned that the Child Welfare Services responsible for assistance to families and children at home and for placement in alternative care, are severely underfunded and have limited capacity to do preventive and follow-up work when children are in foster families or homes.

35. The Committee recommends that the State party provide the Child Welfare Services with resources to expand and intensify its preventive efforts in families at risk of failing to provide adequate care and support to their children and, if preventive efforts are unsuccessful, make available the variety of alternative facilities needed to offer children the kind of care that is in accord with their best interests. The Committee further recommends that the State party carefully follow up on children in alternative care, regularly examine the possibility of returning the child to its family and, if the child remains in alternative care until the age of majority, facilitate the transition to adulthood. The Committee also recommends that the State party take into account the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children contained in United Nations General Assembly Resolution A/RES/64/142 adopted on 20 November 2009.

Abuse and neglect

36. The Committee notes with appreciation the numerous Actions Plans elaborated by the State party to address abuse and neglect of children. The Committee welcomes the fact that training was held for judges, experts and lawyers on violence and abuse and custody cases where violence and abuse are suspected. The Committee is concerned, however, that Child Welfare Services in some areas of the country do not have the resources or the competencies to identify and support children who are exposed to violence and that the existing helpline is not well enough known to children. The Committee is also concerned that competence is limited to dealing with violence in families of different cultures and to communicating advice for violence-free upbringing of children.

37. The Committee recommends that the State party ensure that adequate and appropriate assistance is provided to children and their families in all areas of the country, taking into account respect for other cultures and that children have information about the helpline and where to find effective assistance.

FN bekymrer seg for økning i medisinering av barn:

Mental Health

42. While noting that mental health services for children are being improved through the National Programme for Mental Health, the Committee is concerned at the increasingly long waiting period for mental health care for children and young people. The Committee is also seriously concerned about studies that indicate a rapid increase within a short period of time of the prescription to children of psycho-stimulants such as Ritalin and Concerta diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

43. The Committee recommends that the State party continue to develop all components of a mental health care system for children and young people, including prevention, treatment of common mental health problems in primary health care and specialised care for serious disorders through an increasing number of specially trained professionals working with children in the field of mental health care, and reduce the waiting period in mental health services. The Committee also recommends that the State party carefully examine the phenomenon of over-prescription of psycho-stimulants to children and take initiatives to provide children diagnosed with ADHD, as well as their parents and teachers, with access to a wide range of psychological, educational and social measures and treatments.

 Post subject: Re: FN-rapport, januar 2010
PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 5:09 pm 
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Joined: Wed Feb 08, 2006 9:48 am
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Location: Sosialdiktaturet Norge
32. The Committee is also concerned that, except in cases of severe neglect and abuse, parental consent is needed before the Child Welfare Services can provide assistance to a child and notes that because of this a child in need of assistance may not receive it.

Her står det at Komiteen er bekymret for at unntatt i tilfeller av alvorlig vanskjøtsel og mishandling, er "barnevernet" avhengig av foreldrenes tillatelse for å gi assistanse til et barn.

Hva slags tull er dette? Barn blir jo fjernet på såkalt "akuttvedtak" uten videre. Det skal ingenting til før "barnevernet" misbruker § 4-6, annet ledd i "barnevernsloven".

33. The Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to assist parents to competently exercise their parental responsibilities and to enhance the capacities of all professionals and practitioners who are involved in counseling, conflict resolution or family separation issues to support the continuation of family life or find the most acceptable custody solution and, in the case of divorce or separation, to assist children’s contact with both parents, considering under all circumstances the best interests of the child.

Her anbefaler Komiteen at staten styrker tiltakene for å hjelpe foreldrene. Vi vet hva dette betyr: mer "barnevern" der det absolutt ikke trengs.

34. The Committee notes that the State party has made efforts to decrease the placement in residential care institutions of children who cannot live with their parents, instead using foster homes whenever possible.

Her roses staten for at flere barn plasseres i såkalt "fosterhjem" fremfor på institusjon. I gamle dager havnet barn på barnehjem fordi de var foreldreløse. Idag stjeler staten barna fra foreldrene og gir dem til "fosterpersoner" som trenger overføringer fra det offentlige.

35. The Committee recommends that the State party provide the Child Welfare Services with resources to expand and intensify its preventive efforts in families at risk of failing to provide adequate care and support to their children and, if preventive efforts are unsuccessful, make available the variety of alternative facilities needed to offer children the kind of care that is in accord with their best interests.

Her anbefaler Komiteen at "barnevernet" får økte ressurser. :shock:

36. The Committee is concerned, however, that Child Welfare Services in some areas of the country do not have the resources or the competencies to identify and support children who are exposed to violence and that the existing helpline is not well enough known to children.

Her er Komiteen bekymret for at "barnevernet" ikke klarer å identifisere barn som er utsatt for vold. Det var noe vi visste fra før. "Barnevernet" er helt udugelig til å forhindre reell vold mot barn. Det er derfor så mange barn isteden tas fra gode foreldre.

37. The Committee recommends that the State party ensure that adequate and appropriate assistance is provided to children and their families in all areas of the country, taking into account respect for other cultures and that children have information about the helpline and where to find effective assistance.

Komiteen anbefaler at staten sørger for at barnefamilier i alle landets områder mottar adekvate tiltak og at barna vet om "hjelpelinjen" de kan ringe for å komme i kontakt med "barnevernet".

42. While noting that mental health services for children are being improved through the National Programme for Mental Health, the Committee is concerned at the increasingly long waiting period for mental health care for children and young people.

Komiteen bekymrer seg for at barn og unge stå i kø for å få behandling eller utredning av BUP.

43. The Committee recommends that the State party continue to develop all components of a mental health care system for children and young people, including prevention, treatment of common mental health problems in primary health care and specialised care for serious disorders through an increasing number of specially trained professionals working with children in the field of mental health care, and reduce the waiting period in mental health services.

Komiteen anbefaler at staten fortsetter å bygge ut barne- og ungdomspsykiatrien.

Her var det mye trist lesning. Myten om at "barnevernet" gjør noe bra for barna, lever åpenbart i beste velgåenhet i sosialistinstitusjonen FN.

“ Whoever may be guilty of abuse of power, be it Government, State,
Employer, Trade Union or whoever, the law must provide a speedy
remedy. Otherwise the victims will find their own remedy. There
will be anarchy.” Lord Denning (1899-1999)

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 5:22 pm 
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Marianne Skånland har alltid sagt at Barnekonvensjonen er et tveegget sverd...

Jeg la også merke til hvordan kommiteen bekymrer seg over at foreldre eksponerer barna sine på nettet (les: i bv-saker). Det bryter visstnok med barnets rett til vern av privatlivet sitt.

Familiestiftelsen forankrer alt sitt arbeid i Barnekonvensjonen - så kommer de ingen vei heller...

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 2:01 am 
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The Committee further recommends that the State party carefully follow up on children in alternative care, regularly examine the possibility of returning the child to its family and, if the child remains in alternative care until the age of majority, facilitate the transition to adulthood.


Komiteen anbefaler videre at staten (partiet) nøye følger opp barn i alternativ omsorg, regelmessig undersøker muligheten for å returnere barnet til familien sin, og hvis barnet blir i alternativ omsorg fram til myndighetsalder, lette overgangen til voksenlivet.

Her sier de i klartekst at tvangsadoptering ikke er noe makten skal leke seg med. Det kan brukes...

"Vårt" lysebrune-mørkerøde såkalte barnevern stjeler mennesker
> Radikalt forum mot familiedestruksjon:<

 Post subject: FN's barnekonvensjon
PostPosted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 8:38 am 
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Joined: Wed Feb 08, 2006 9:48 am
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Nina wrote:
Marianne Skånland har alltid sagt at Barnekonvensjonen er et tveegget sverd...

Marianne Skånland har alltid hatt god forståelse av problematikken.

Nina wrote:
Jeg la også merke til hvordan kommiteen bekymrer seg over at foreldre eksponerer barna sine på nettet (les: i bv-saker). Det bryter visstnok med barnets rett til vern av privatlivet sitt.

Hva slags privatliv har barn som er blitt fratatt foreldrene sine med tvang og gjort til "barnevernets" objekter? Det skrives side opp og side ned med sjikanøse vurderinger av barnet og dets foreldre. Er det dette som kalles privatliv? Hvilken som helst sosialarbeider/sosialarbeider-student kan meske seg med de pikante detaljene. Det er nok spennnende lesning, men hvem trenger denne grafsingen i privatlivet og familielivet, som er ment å skulle være noe eksklusivt forbeholdt medlemmene?

Barn som er konfiskert av "barnevernet" er allerede fratatt retten til privatliv. Alt barna sier blir nedtegnet eller omskrevet i ulike rapporter. Også foreldrenes samkvem med barna blir blottlagt uten sjenanse. All intimitet mellom barn og foreldre blir overvåket. Alle kjærlige ord fra mor til barn, blir latterliggjort i de ondskapsfulle "referatene" som skrives av hatefulle, forkvaklede sosionomer og "barnevernspedagoger".

Det er likevel bra at FN er bekymret over alle barna som unødig tvangsfjernes fra sine foreldre. Kanskje noen bør ta initiativet til å sende inn en individuell klage slik at FN kan se hva slags familier som blir utsatt for dette brutale tvangstiltaket, som er til slik skade for barna som utsettes for det?

“ Whoever may be guilty of abuse of power, be it Government, State,
Employer, Trade Union or whoever, the law must provide a speedy
remedy. Otherwise the victims will find their own remedy. There
will be anarchy.” Lord Denning (1899-1999)

 Post subject: Re: FN-rapport, januar 2010
PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 9:39 pm 
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Joined: Wed Feb 08, 2006 8:48 am
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FNs barnekonvensjon er et tveegget sverd, ja. Den kan brukes, og blir brukt, mot familiene:
Är "barnets bästa" bra för svenska barn?

Konvensjonen inneholder vesentlige bestemmelser som gjør foreldre til barnas fiender. De dreier seg om barnets rettigheter som isolert individ, spesielt da rettigheter overfor foreldrene og rettighet til å fristilles fra foreldrene og øvrig familie. Dette brukes av især de nordiske skater til å spinne opp og forsterke konflikter mellom barnet og dets familie, og likeledes å spinne opp og utbre den forestilling at alt det "offentlig omsorg" gjør overfor barn, selvsagt er meget bedre.


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