Artikkelen viser hvordan pengesterke multinasjonale firma skaper et kunstig behov for medisin gjennom å oppkonstruere diagnoser. I dette tilfellet ADHD. Skadevirkningene er det ingen som kjenner til fulle.
Ritalin prevents the growth of brainThis
article about ADHD is long. More than 10 pages. The knowledge it conveys is important. Everyone should read it because it shows how the myths about mental illnesses were created.
Anyone who has children with so-called ADHD, MUST read the article. It explains what ritalin, and more are doing with children. You also get information on how to give "ADHD-children" a higher quality of life.
Today I am bringing you news from the world of ADHD, because scientists claim they have found a difference in the brains of children with ADHD versus "normal" children. The brains of these children who have been diagnosed with ADHD were scanned with an MRI machine. They compared 40,000 different points in their brains looking for signs of thickness in the brain tissue.
They discovered that the brains of children diagnosed with ADHD were a little behind schedule in growing.