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 Post subject: An international message of concern
PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:47 pm 
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An international message of concern

Marius Reikerås have shared information about an international message or letter to human rights organizations and more. The people, in the message, who talk about their destinies and family destruction is anonymous. So that the child welfare should not seek reprisals or revenge against the children or families. ... 4856581875



Oslo/Prague/Vilnius/Warsaw/Bratislava/Brussels/NY/Bucuresti, 1. 12. 2015

Parents of violently taken children are asking world human rights institutions for help in their fight against Norway and its social service called Barnevern.

Thirty-eight families from Norway and other countries (Poland, Lithuania, Slovakia, Czech Republic, USA, Romania, Brazil, Philippines, India, Turkey, Iraq and Romania) that lost their children in Norway have turned with a direct letter to the European Commission, the European Parliament, The Pope and to the United Nations, to inform them about the injustice committed on families and children in Norway and to ask Brussels institutions for help. All members of the European Parliament will receive the letter as well. Norway has been internationally criticized for its social services over a long period. Currently it is the Czech Republic that is in the most acrimonious dispute with Norway over the defense of its citizens.

The parents of the children taken by the CPS turn to the European institutions intentionally. In their opinion Norway acts illegally against the citizens of the European Union and families from the member states of the European Union. Not being a member state of the EU cannot be an excuse for Norway, contrarily it should be a reason why the common European authorities should take measures and defend its citizens.

The parents mainly point out the serious abuse of human rights and rights of children by Norway and its social service called Barnevern. “We are all united by the same painful experience. Children are literarily cruelly yanked out of their parents’ arms in Norway. Clerks and police officers are uncompromising and not even crying and screaming children begging them not to take them away from their parents cannot stop them. Scenarios are very similar. First thing is usually an unsubstantiated denunciation. Shocked parents, whose children are taken away by an unbelievable reason under the terms of preliminary measures, cooperate and do what they are told to do by the officers. Based on Barnevern’s recommendation the parents do not resist, do not give publicity to the case and patiently await a meeting with their children, which is being set for just a few hours a year. Barnevern’s workers and police officers are present frequently. They treat us like murderers even though they have no evidence of child neglect,’’ almost forty families state in the letter.

The letter also includes the information of the process that accompanies these cruel and irreversible interventions in the families. “So called committees make decisions about our destinies. They are like moving machinery that cannot be stopped and that is even capable of falsifying of documents and references. And we have the evidence of that,” write the signatories to the letter.

The letter is signed for example by Czech mother Eva Michalakova who has been vainly fighting for returning of her two sons for four years already. As one of a few she started to talk about her case publicly. The signatures were also added by a Slovak family whose fully breast-fed daughter was violently taken away by the Norwegian authorities exclusively because of her deaf mother’s handicap, American citizen Amy Jacobsen Bjornevag, that one of them should never see its child any more and a Romanian-Norwegian family whose five children were taken last week, including a three months old breast-fed baby. The reason for taking the child was supposed "christian radicalism". Affected families are supported by five parents who successfully got their children back. However, as it is written in the letter, the exceptional return of the children happened “under very strange circumstances. The authority (the Norwegian Barnevern) did not even attempt to compensate this rough intervention in the family and children’s psyche. They neither have apologized nor explained why it happened.”

The common letter addressed to the representatives of the EU institutions is one of the many activities by which the affected families plan to show the injustice and cruel dealing with children in Norway. The affected families were connected with the aid of social networks and tens of volunteers helping those families in particular countries. May 30th this year, the first international demonstration against practices of the Norwegian social service Barnevern was staged. People gathered in front of the Norwegian embassies in more than ten European capitals and in Norway as well.

Participants of the demonstrations publicly and the most loudly so far pointed out that Norway is taking children away from their families by trivial reasons, splitting siblings for no reason and not returning children to their families despite the fact that the families clean up the earlier denunciations and fight for their children persistently. They also criticized that Norway systematically prevents parents from meeting with their children, and that the meeting with other relatives is not possible either. A very alarming fact is the confirmed information that the Norwegian officers do not stick at taking away fully breast-fed babies for no obvious reason and prevent them from the contact with their mothers.

The full version of the letter is enclosed, names are blackened intentionally. The publicizing of the cases is by the Norwegian officers interpreted as an action in contrary with children’s interests, and usually the officers use it as an argument to restrict the contact between parents and children even more or forbid the contact completely. Therefore the majority of the families are afraid to act publicly.

The letter was written up with the help of Andrej Ruscak, a publicist and political scientist, and Jordanka Jiraskova, a publicist who is in the deep contact with the families and who you can contact in case of any questions.

Jordanka Jiraskova
Telephone: +420 777 286 331

Further information can be provided also by Tomas Zdechovsky, the member of the European Parliament, who is concerned with this topic and were personally present at the May demonstration in Oslo.

Telephone: +420 774 888 300

End of quote

Some of the letter(s)(pictured below):


"Vårt" lysebrune-mørkerøde såkalte barnevern stjeler mennesker
> Radikalt forum mot familiedestruksjon:<

 Post subject: Re: An international message of concern
PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:06 pm 
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Joined: Sun Feb 05, 2006 7:18 pm
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Here is the letter ... 5254156875

Dear Mr President of the European Commission,

Dear Mr President of the European Parliament,

Dear Members of the European Parliament,

Our utter desperation forced us to address you by this letter. It forced us to write you about the reality of unspeakable abuse of power being committed by a supposedly advanced country even as we speak. The country in question is Kingdom of Norway.

We are addressing you, because Norway is systematically acting in breach of its legal obligations also against European citizens and their families, causing them great harm. The fact that Norway is not an EU Member State cannot be seen as an excuse this time; quite opposite. It should be the reason for the Community institutions to step in and defend their citizens.

We, the undersigned, have one thing in common in particular; we have painfully experienced, that for reasons beyond our understanding, our children were taken away by force. They took away the children we love and that have not suffered under any bad or illegal conditions from us. Maybe it does sound incredible, and indeed, the fact that it does, makes our fight much harder. Anyway it is important for you to know that Norwegian authorities, especially Barnevernet, the Child Protection Services, systematically abuse human rights, as well as children’s best interests.

Children here are being, literally, ripped out of their parents’ hands. Both social workers and the police are ruthless; crying and screaming children, begging for a chance to stay with their families, pose no obstacle to them whatsoever. They constantly prove that they are about to have it their way, no matter what.

Usually it all begins with a groundless accusation, upon which, following a preliminary injunction, children are being taken away from their shocked parents. The parents then cooperate with the authorities and comply; all in hope that their beloved ones will be returned to them one day. The parents, as instructed by Barnevernet, remain silent. They do not fight the system; they do not go to press with their stories and patiently wait for the next meeting with their children, which is scheduled only for couple of hours few times a year, under heavy surveillance by both police and Barnevernet, far too often.

They treat us as murderers despite the fact that they have no evidence of any mistreatment. They have no evidence of anything illegal being done to our children. Our lives’ fates are decided by the so-called “fylkesnemnda”, a court-like commission for family matters that rules on how often we can see our children, whether we can see them at all and whether our children are going to be forcibly adopted.

These commissions are like a train that cannot be stopped. They are able to falsify documents and expert reports – we have hard evidence for that that will be available made available to you. Some of us succeeded in getting our children back, though under rather strange circumstances. There was no intention to compensate us for the painful intervention we have been through, nor was there any kind of apology or explanation on why did it happen.

It is our great wish that the European Parliament would step into this matter, and, by doing so, will help us to get our children back.

Hereby undersigned parents, whose families suffered from the hands of the Norwegian social services:

Best regards

1. - cannot see her son any more (Russia)

2. - cannot see her two sons any more (Czech Republic)

3. boy was taken in the age of 9 month and girl in the age of two years , meetings 4 hours per year (Iraq)

4. - son, meetings 4 hours 2 times per year (Lithuania)

5. , 8 months old, meeting for 2 hours every 14 days (Norway, Slovakia)

6. , 10 months old, meetings 4 times per year, 1 hour each time (Norway)

7. – son 5 years old, meetings 6 hours per year (Lithuania)

8. – 8 years old son, no meetigs any more (Lithuania)

9. - two children, meetings 4 hours per year (Brazil)

10. - 3 children are back (Turkey)

11. - two girls are back (Russia)

12. - two children are back with mother (India)

13. - two daughters, meeting 4 hours per year (Philiphines, Norway)

14. - two daughters,3 years and 7 years old, meeting 4 hours per year (Norway)

15. - three daughters, meeting 4 hours per year (Brasil)

16. - have their daughter back and living in Polland

17. - son taken in the age of 18 months, cannot see him any more (USA)

18. - two children returned, two others still in foster care, meetings 4 time per year (Norway)

19. - one son they have back and two other younger sons can see 6 times per year (Sweden, Romania)

20. - daughters are 2 years and 8 months / 1 year 6 months old, meeting 4 hours per year (Philiphines, Norway)

21. - girl 10 years, boys 9 and 5 years old are separated in 3 fosterhomes, meetings with boys 2 times per year and the girl 4 times per year under supervision of Barnevernet (Sweden)

22. - two children cannot see any more and one can meet 8 times per year (Norway)

23. - daughters 7 and 6 years, meeting 6 times per year for 6 hours each time (Norway)

24. - sons 6 and 9 years, meeting 4 hours per year (Norway)

25. - girl 15 year, boy 10 years contact not allowed (Norway)

26. - family has been persecuted by BV in 5 generations (Norway)

27. - her 14 years old daughter is with father in outland. Contact not allowed (Norway)

28. - oppressed by Barnevernet for two years (Lithuania)

29. - two girls: one 4 years and second 7 years old. Meetings with both 6 times a year. With younger girl for two hours and older one for three hours each visit (Norway)"

30. - son 12 years old. Meetings 6 hours / 6 times per year. Placed in foster home since February 2015 (Norway)

31. – daughter 15 years old. Parents are not allowed to see her. Son 10 years, parents are not allowed to see him. Ida 6 years – meetings 8 times per year (Norway)

32. - son, 4 meetings per year for 2 hours each (Norway)

33. - the victim of Barnevernet have hired lawyers and waited 3 years (Norway)

34. - girl 7 old and boy 2 years old (Polland)

35. - two girls, 13 and 5 years, taken. Can see 13 years old girls 4 times a year for 4 hours and 5 years old girl only two times a year for 3 hours (Norway)

36. - two girls 6 and 13 years, taken in october 2014, now back with mother (Norway)

37. - son, taken after birth, meetings 8 hours per year (Norway)

38. - son 8 years, cannot see him any more (Lithuania)

39. - two girls 9 and 7 years, 2 boys 5 and 2 years and a baby boy 3 months old, taken in november 2015, ongoing (Norway, Romania)

Contacts for answear:
Jordanka Jirásková
tel.: 00420777286331
address: Pod Hajnicí 1079
Velké Přílepy, 25264
Czech Republic

"Vårt" lysebrune-mørkerøde såkalte barnevern stjeler mennesker
> Radikalt forum mot familiedestruksjon:<

 Post subject: Re: An international message of concern
PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 7:29 am 
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Joined: Wed Feb 08, 2006 8:48 am
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My comment

The above letter is an excellent initiative. My only objection is, once again, that the publicised letter blacks out the names and recommends this.

With all they know about the social services, it should be clear to them that they get nowhere by keeping anonymous. Why do they yield to such a totally unreasonable demand, from the people who have in every way harmed them and their children? Do they believe in "the system" after all?

Yes, the social services use publicising as a "proof" that they are unfit parents, and Norwegian lawyers, even the families' own lawyers, foolishly go along with the authorities in their argumentation. But it does not matter – the social services use and invent loads of other accusations as well.

The real reasons why the social services want to suppress concrete information about these cases are:

a) They want to isolate the affected families from other people, to prevent other people from believing their stories, making contact with them, getting to know them personally. To go public under one's full name adds very much to a person's credibility; as long as one is anonymous, most people will distrust one and believe what the social services and other authorities say about "such families".

b) If the families go public, they tend to feel better themselves, their self-confidence is strengthened and it makes life easier to bear. The social services of course want to prevent this, want to undermine the mental resources and independence of the parents as much as they can.

c) When the parents make their stories known under their own name, their children are either old enough to find out about the true story or they will be in later years. Most children taken by the social services then stand in solidarity with their parents and family, in opposition to the social services and to foster "parents" and others who denigrate their parents. Such resistance makes the children difficult to "handle" for the social services.

d) The social services and the foster "parents" they "teach" have a whole, false ideology about children and parents, which they try to implant in the children. This indoctrination cannot proceed equally easily if the children can hear the true story from others, which they can if the parents make the case public. The more anonymous they are, the more likely that not only the general public but also their children will believe the social service's version of the case.
    The social services and their fosterers frequently tell children in their care such falsehoods as "your mother and father have enough with their own problems, they do not want to be burdened with you", "your parents neglected you and landed you with problems", "your parents are not fond of you", "your parents put their own needs ahead of your needs", "if your parents had done what we asked, you would have been home now". – If the parents do not shout from the roof-tops, these lies are usually believed, until one day the children are free and can return to their parents and hear the true story. It can take years before children who have been told such falsehoods get over the resentment of their parents which the social services have indoctrinated them with. To have been told that their parents did not care for them is just about the heaviest burden imaginable. It has been an efficient tool for the social services and fosterers to keep them quiet and tractable, the one thing that kept them passive and yielding.
    The social services have spread the idea that publicisation is so "sensitive" for the children, harms the children. Since when did it harm children that society is told how badly the social services and the courts have treated their parents and themselves and that that is the cause of their unhappiness?
(Cf The child protection case in Norway about the Czech children of Eva Michaláková, the section "Publicising the facts and development of the case".)


A point in the letter which should perhaps be commented on briefly is the mention of the county committees which decide on a child protection case prior to the case going to the regular courts:
“So called committees make decisions about our destinies. They are like moving machinery that cannot be stopped and that is even capable of falsifying of documents and references."

Yes, the county committees are an offence in the legal system. But so are the regular courts in child protection cases. What will probably happen before long is that the state will replace the county committees with "special courts" to handle child and family cases, as a response to complaints that the county committees do not satisfy the demands for a competent and impartial tribunal set out by the European Convention on Human Rights. These new replacement courts will be claimed to be especially qualified and competent. But they will proceed in exactly the same way that the county committees do now, just with added "legality", status and prestige, with the same kind of officers of the court, trained in the same way as the social services are and functioning like the county committees do now, and, for that matter, in the same way that our present court system does in child protection cases: in an extremely harmful manner. Look to Sweden, they have such "administrative courts" and Sweden is even worse than Norway in child protection matters.
    Nothing is helped by administrative, organisational changes. It is the inner ideology, the false ideas of "science", "research", "psychology", "knowledge" in the child protection field which must be ousted, from legal minds as much as from those of CPS workers, politicians and bureaucrats.


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