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 Post subject: Athene:  CPS still keeps the Indian children isolated
PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 2:07 pm 
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25 February 2012

Norwegian CPS still keeps the Indian children isolated from their family

By Athene

A long debate in Norwegian about the Bhattacharya case in Stavanger is found in the section "Barnevernsovergrep belyst i media" (CPS abuse covered in the press):
Indiske barn konfiskert - Såkalt barnevern ignorer ambassade

Norwegian Child Welfare has failed grossly.

Jens Stoltenberg must ensure that Avignan and Aishwarya Bhattacharya immediately return home to their parents. There is no exuse for allowing children to be victims in order to not let Norwegian Child Welfare Authorities and Gunnar Toresen lose face.

"I believe (keeping the children) is required to conduct a proper process", says Toresen.

- Does he think that the Indian authorities and the family can not attend Avigna Bhattacharaya n and Aishwarya Bhattacharya properly after the abuse Stavanger Child Protection has exposed them to?

While Gunnar Toresen clears the formalities Avignan and Aishwarya Bhattacharya must come home to their parents! And remain there until they are released to the Indian authorities.

Instead, the children's uncle is forbidden by Stavanger Barnevern to meet his own brother and sister-in-law. Is Anurup and Sagarika Bhattacharya rated by Stavanger “welfare” (Barnevern) to also be dangerous to his own family?

As usual, Stavanger Aftenblad is comfortable by being used as a microphone for Norwegian Authorities:

It would be reasonable if journalist Stein Halvor Jupskås asked Gunnar Toresen elaborate why he did not know Ambassador to Norway HE Mr. R. K. Tyagi visits Stavanger. Likewise, make sure to inform us ignorants about the "proper" process Avignan and Aishwarya Bhattacharya are exposed to.

Gunnar Toresen is 100% representative of the Norwegian Barnevern as they appear to all families no matter which country they come from. Norwegian parents are in a much greater risk than Indian, Polish, Russian and Tamil families.

Stavanger Aftenblad cling to focus on the "India case" to hide the fact it shows us how the Barnevern system works in practice. How it works for all children in Norway no matter which country their parents were born in.


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