12 December 2014
Czech articles about the case and about Norwegian child protection generallyI am taking the chance of linking to a few articles from Czech websites. I hope to be forgiven if any of them are in reality something quite different from what is relevant here, since I hardly understand more than about 1 word out of 150. But they seem to be about Norwegian child protection, and especially about Eva Michaláková's case. I have found them by searching with a combination of three words:
"děti" certainly means "children", "Norsku" either "Norway" or "Norwegian", and "barnevern" is of course the famous Norwegian term for "child protection" (CPS). (It seems to have become quite an internationally (in)famous word and the reason is obvious - this little detail ought perhaps to make our authorities blush?)
A large number of articles came up in the search; I list only a few, but they give a tiny idea of the notice taken of Norwegian CPS in Czechia.
You will recognise some words and names in the articles. Google Translate into English is a good help also, I think, even if one cannot be sure of the exact meaning expressed. The articles leave an impression of Norwegian CPS being quite well-known in Czechia now. Eva Michaláková's name and "barnevern" occur many times.
Andrej Ruščák:
Jak se co v Norsku dělá, díl třetí: Barnevernetblog.idnes.cz, 11 March 2014
Recognisable words:
bekymringsmelding (report of concern)
fosterhjem (foster home)
Martin Fendrych:
Zlí Norové a hodní Češi. Boj o ukradené děti a střet kulturnazory.aktualne.cz
Recognisable words:
Norská dětská "inkvizice" (the Norwegian child "inquisition" ?)
Jordanka Jirásková:
Norsko krade děti skrze fašistickou organizaci BarnevernG.cz, 13 November 2014
Recognisable words:
fašistickou organizaci Barnevern (the fascist organisation Barnevernet ?)
bekymringsmelding (report of concern)
Fašistické praktiky Barnevernu (fascist practice in barnevernet ?)
Marius Reikerås (he is a Norwegian jurist who is active on behalf of CPS victims)
Per Kaald (Norwegian psychologist)
Juvenilní justice v Norsku - Teror byznysu s dětmi a stát ve státě - BARNEVERN Zvědavec 8 December 2014
Note: Contains a video in addition to text. The program is 28 minutes long, and starts off with the police taking screaming children by force. Many adults cry, probably mothers. The program appears to be Russian, at least many of the interviewed speak Russian, and there is texting in Czech. Many shots of streets in Oslo. A girl, perhaps 6-9 years old, tells what happened to her. A lady, Diana, talking. Russian children's ombudsman Pavel Astakhov talking. Statements from Elena and Galina. Picture of the boy Oskar. Roman Stepanov, Maja, the Fauske municipality hall, Teri Remberg (speaking English), the Russian children's ombudsman saying that the Norwegian CPS is a monter. We see a meeting of 20-40 people, who apparently are giving talks and discussing. Aleksandr talking, among other things about the Polish 'Rambo', Irina in the city of Tromsø, again Irina Berget, Galina.
Recognisable words:
fašistických praktikách BARNEVERNU (fascistic practice in barnevernet ?)
Evropském parlamentu (the European parliament)
Soňa Svobodová:
Rusko burcuje svět kvůli odebírání dětí Rusům v Norsku a Finsku18 November 2014
Recognisable words:
mayharriet (She is May Harriet Seppola, a very active debater and writer who supports CPS victims)
rusko (Russian)
Pavel Astakhov (the Russian children's ombudsman)
Norsku a Finsku (Norge and Finland)
juvenilnímu teroru v Norsku (child terror in Norway)
Parlament EU (the European parliament)
Vláda má požádat Norsko o vysvětlení případu odebraných dětí9 December 2014
Note: Contains a short video, 2 minutes 7 seconds, a news item with filming from the Czech parliament. Michaela Marksová speaks, she has the title of "ministryně práce a sociálnich věci", which probably means something like minister of social affairs. The video is entitled "Vláda požádá Norsko o informace o odebraných chlapcích", in which we see "Norsko". Another lady, Jitka Chalánková, speaks: I believe I remember that she was the one being interviewed in the 25 minutes long program I mentioned previously in the thread (a link is provided there). Eva Michaláková speaks. A short glimpse features the president.
Recognisable words:
prezident Miloš Zeman (the Czech president)
Evropský soud pro lidská práva ve Štrasburku (the European Court of
Human Rights in Strasbourg ?)