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 Post subject: Norwegian child protection active as teachers in Estonia?
PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2015 10:28 pm 
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Norwegian child protection active as teachers in Estonia?

God help the Estonians – Norway is active in 'teaching' them to carry out 'child protection' Norwegian style in Estonia. It started more than 2 years ago:

Samarbeid om Barneprogram mellom Estland og Norge  
(Cooperation on a 'child program' between Estonia and Norway)
(Link no longer active)
Bufetat, 22 February 2013

Note: Bufetat is the state's organisation which heads child protection on the national level.

Perhaps somebody should tell the Estonians that the ideology and practice which the Norwegians aim to give to them, is exactly the one that made so many people in Samnanger (a municipality just inland from Bergen) conclude that it was necessary to carry out a protest march with torches against the child protection service? Several photos here and here.



 Post subject: Re: Norwegian child protection active as teachers in Estonia
PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2015 10:34 pm 
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What happened then was that 6 months later Bufetat reported what they consider to be success:

Estland bedrer barns beskyttelse etter norsk modell
(Estonia improves the protection of children on Norwegian model)
(Link no longer active)
Bufetat, 21 June 2013

That was in 2013. It is not clear from the content of the article what the contents of these 'improvements' are, but anyone familiar with Norwegian child protection can easily make a qualified guess.


We then go to May of 2015. I found no further articles on the internet. However, I was told by well-informed Estonians that many people in Estonia have lately become alarmed at 'the new system'. They believe it will lead to children of poor parents being deprived of their children.

This fear of what is coming is quite right. I then expressed the hope that:

1) Estonia would cancel its cooperation with Norway and the import of the anti-family ideology which rules here, and

2) that Estonia would contact Lithuania and the Czech Republic regarding concrete measures necessary to stop unfortunate developments in their own country, and likewise: that they would be active in the Council of Europe, now that there is an important report coming from the Council:

Lithuanian boy? – unclear news reports (26 January 2015 –)
Lithuania / Norway: Girl fetched out from foster care by her mother (21 January 2015 – )
Czech family seriously damaged by Norwegian child protection service (CPS) (11 December 2014)
A very important report is coming from the Council of Europe (18 February 2015)

On the basis of this kind of cooperation between several countries affected negatively by child protection systems, serious action must be taken towards the Scandinavian countries and Finland – in some way, although I freely admit it is not easy to see from here exactly how and what. But a necessary prerequisite is to acquire a real understanding of the reigning ideology in Western child protection, so that one is not fooled and stopped at each new crossroads of babblebabble which our child protection people and our authorities dish out. These countries should not believe that the difficulties are all a misunderstanding and that our child protection system operates in children's best interest.



 Post subject: Re: Norwegian child protection active as teachers in Estonia
PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 2:48 pm 
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Joined: Wed Feb 08, 2006 8:48 am
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Demonstrations against Norwegian child protection in many cities on 30 May 2015.
The child protection system will also be a theme in the European Union on 2 June

Europeiske demonstrasjoner mot det norske barnevernet (European demonstrations against the Norwegian child protection agency)
Nettavisen, 24 May 2015

Demonstrations in Norway are planned in

In Oslo the demonstration will take place from 11 am until 3 pm, at Eidsvolls Plass outside Stortinget (Parliament).

Abroad there are demonstrations planned in




Whoever can keep an eye open for possible articles in foreign newspapers, should certainly do so! Link to them on your dear facebook, by all means, but preferably not only on facebook.



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