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 Post subject: The activities of the children's ombudsman are exported
PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 8:31 am 
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The activities of the children's ombudsman are exported

And that carries with it the whole official belief in our "child protection services". A gloomy eye-opener at Christmas.

Verden vil ha barneombud (The world wants children's ombudsmen)
Stadig nye land tar kontakt med Barneombudet for å få hjelp til å etablere sine egne barneombud. (Ever more countries make contact with the [Norwegian] children's ombudsman to enlist help in establishing their own children's ombudsmen.)
Vårt Land, 23 December 2015

    "– Jeg er stolt av å kunne eksportere denne ordningen til andre land, og bistår gjerne til det, sier barneombud Anne Lindboe." (– I am proud to be able to export this system to other countries and glad to assist, says children's ombudsman Anne Lindboe.)
    "– Jeg tror det å få på plass ordninger som ligner på den vi har, vil bety mye for disse landene, og også at de vil bety en forskjell for barna der, tilføyer hun." (– I think the establishment of arrangements resembling the one we have will mean a lot to these countries, and I believe they will make a difference for the children there, she adds.)

    "Barneombud Anne ­Lindboe har 20 medarbeidere som gir henne råd om medvirkning, skole, barnevern, skilsmisse, mobbing og andre tema som er viktige for barn. (Children's ombudsman Anne Lindboe has 20 colleagues giving her advice about participation, school, child protection, divorce, victimization and other subjects important to children.)

    "Nylig var Lindboe i Chile for å bistå i arbeidet med å få på plass et barneombud der. (Lindboe was recentlig in Chile to assist the work of establishing a children's ombudman there.)

    "Ettparti­stat Vietnam er et annet land som har søkt norsk bistand. (One-party-state Vietnam is another country that asked for Norwegian assistance.)

    "Tunisia er et tredje land Barne­ombudet nå bistår. Barneombudet har også bistått Malawi, ­Nepal, Kasakhstan og Tadsjikistan. (Tunisia is a third country which our children's ombudsman is now assisting. She has also assisted Malawi, Nepal, Kazakhstan and Tadzhikistan.)

    "Siden Norge var først ute, har mer enn 70 land fått på plass ulike uavhengige menneskerettighetsinstitusjoner for barn, ifølge Unicef. 35 land har barneombud som ligner på det norske, ifølge Wikipedia." (Since Norway was a pioneer, more than 70 countries have put in place different independent human rights establishments for children, according to Unicef. 35 countries have children's ombudsmen resembring the Norwegian institution, according to Wikipedia.)

Poor world, we may say. It brings our thoughts to what Vaclav Klaus Jr. said in his speech at the demonstretion in Prague on the 30th of May this year:

"The problem is not only in Norway, even though the situation achieves the most horrific values in Norway ... everything is pretty much ready here to start the same system. We already have the very similar "Barnevernet" law, we already have paid foster parents so people don't take kids for giving them love but to get money. We have those so called non-profit organizations that organize the whole process. Now it is just about waiting when all the current social workers will be replaced by the zealous activists. Then the same inferno starts here as well. ... The situation is serious and I really don't understand (to) those appeals for peacefulness demonstrations because they're stealing children! What could be wors(t)? They may make new regulations, they may increase taxes. So, ok, we'll be poorer. But they are stealing children from mothers! Let's resist, let's fight back!"
(Václav Klaus Jr. - education expert speaks against stealing children by governement. Also referred to in the paragraph "Norway's missionary zeal …" here.)

This export ,not only of an institution "children's ombudsman" but of the whole philosophy that underpins this office in our country, is also an example of the same policy which Unicef apparently promotes, the Indian version exposed here:

Suranya Aiyar:
Save your child from UNICEF
A study of Unicef's biased and false claims about Indian parents
August 2015



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