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 Post subject: You must go to Shanghai Daily for news about Barnevernet
PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 11:40 pm 
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Joined: Wed Feb 08, 2006 8:48 am
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You must go to Shanghai Daily for news about Barnevernet

mater familias has found a really excellent article and has commented on it. Her conclusion is that you have to go to the Shanghai Daily to read about the Barnevern authorities refusing to learn anything at a meeting in Oslo.

Norwegian media urged to play bigger role in promoting child welfare
Shanghai Daily, 7 June 2016

You see in this article the typical Norwegian press exposing itself. Sticking like an old-fashioned gramophone record with a dent (and suspiciously like Minister Horne's next-in-command Mr Terning) – to complaining that media abroad misunderstand everything and try to vilify Barnevernet, the secretary-general of the Association of Norwegian Editors Arne Jensen is quoted in this way:

"As he sees it, although facts have been presented well in the press worldwide, some of the foreign reports did not give a real picture about Barnevernet.
"With all due respect, there has been a lot of nonsense written about Barnevernet abroad. We need to stop demonizing Barnevernet in media," Jensen said."

Is that what we need?

This is all they are concerned about. Business as usual, the press in Norway does not intend to change the way they (do not) tackle the realities of Barnevernet.

Yes, Mr Jensen, when a country carries out "child protection" in the way Barnevernet does, all sorts of crazy explanations are likely to come up. Since Barnevernet does not do the job it should, weird explanations will not cease. Objecting to the explanations instead of doing away with that which causes them to emerge: Barnevernet's way of acting and their insane ideology and beliefs, will not solve Norway's Barnevern problems.

Even Thomas Ergo, who wrote very ably about the Glass Girl, once again says that more information from Barnevernet is what is needed. Our press seems so afraid of not all the time consulting our authorites about their opinion, that they will not make use of the case documents and other evidence which the family can supply just as well as Barnevernet and sometimes a lot better!

And then again Burdir's representative: She just assures everybody that they work for children's best interest, no vestige of a thought of ever seriously going into the question of what the best interest of children really is. So her "explanation" of any possible shortcomings is again about the workload. They want many more people, doing the same as always.

It is really a very revealing article, makes a number of things class clear.



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