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 Post subject: Battle for fosterchildren? Or agitation for higher benefits?
PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 7:12 pm 
Rang: Storbruker

Joined: Fri May 29, 2015 2:49 pm
Posts: 906
This is how things can be turned completely upside-down, in the CPS-friendly government-controlled media:

Lover rettskamp for 11.500 fosterbarn
(Promises court-battle for 11.500 fosterchildren) ... 1.13964410

A battle for children? No, this is not about fosterchildren, as one could presume when reading the headline. This is about fosterparents trying to secure their pensions and other benefits.

And in this way more fosterparents can be recruited. The norwegian public needs to have the proclaimed demand for more fosterhomes hammered into their heads again and again.

Cause this is the way it has become: Parents who willl care for their children until death, or until personal bankrupcy, are not interesting as parents. Not if the CPS on grounds of their child-profession can conclude that they fail. And since the CPS-discipline has developed exactly because they need reasons to abadon parents that by all other criteria are good enough, they usually succeed.

Norway wants parents paid by government. Parents who loose their interest for the children on the day they are eighteen.

It would be typical norwegian to keep paying the fosterparents also after the children are grown up, so that they will feel some attachment also in their adult life. The whole CPS-system is a fraud anyway.

Government still believes that money can buy love. Get the children into tidy homes with routine, and with oak-parquet and coffeetables paid over the government budget. Then society believes the problem is solved.

Whilst assuming that if children are kept long enough away from their true parents, the pain will go away.

CPS and government is the ostrich with it`s head kept deep in the sand.

Cause when the ship is leaking, as the CPS-ship definately is, and the water is coming in everywhere, the pumps are going warm while the passengers are being told that everything is perfectly well.

And the ones who receive money, want more.

Afterall, the foster-children are strangers in their living rooms. They do not belong there. So why shouldn`t fosterparents be well compensated? On top of everything, they are now also obliged to show the children love, and that can be tiresome.

Especially when they understand that the kids they lodge, might come from competent parents.

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