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 Post subject: Norway convicted in Strasbourg, case of Jansen v. Norway
PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 10:20 am 
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Norway convicted in Strasbourg, case of Jansen v. Norway

(Application no. 2822/16)
JUDGMENT, Strasbourg

European Court of Human Rights, 6 September 2018

"104. In conclusion, although the Court accepts that the decisions of the national authorities were made in what they considered to be the best interests of the child and bears in mind that perceptions as to the appropriateness of intervention by public authorities in the care of children vary from one Contracting State to another (see paragraph 95 above), the Court holds that in the instant case, the potential negative long-term consequences of losing contact with her mother for A and the positive duty to take measures to facilitate family reunification as soon as reasonably feasible were not sufficiently weighed in the balancing exercise.
    105. In the light of the above, the Court concludes that there has been a violation of Article 8 of the Convention."


EMD: Norge har brutt menneskerettighetene i barnevernssak
Norge har brutt menneskerettighetene i barnevernssak, konkluderer menneskerettighetsdomstolen i Strasbourg i en enstemmig dom.
Bergensavisen (BA), 6 September 2018

Norge har brutt menneskerettighetene i barnevernssak
Det konkluderer menneskerettighetsdomstolen.
nrk Norge, 6 September 2018

Norge har brutt menneskerettighetene i barnevernssak
Det konkluderer menneskerettighetsdomstolen i Strasbourg i en enstemmig dom torsdag.
vg, 6 September 2018

Norge har brutt menneskerettighetene i barnevernssak, konkluderer menneskerettighetsdomstolen
BARNEVERNET Norge har brutt menneskerettighetene i barnevernssak, konkluderer menneskerettighetsdomstolen i Strasbourg i en enstemmig dom torsdag formiddag.
Dagen, 6 September 2018



 Post subject: Re: Norway convicted in Strasbourg, case of Jansen v. Norway
PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:58 am 
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6 September 2018

Jan Pedersen, Søgne:

What will Erna do now?
Minister Helleland was wrong!
Norway has violated human rignts in child protection case

Today's message from the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg is found in a unanimous judgment saying that Norway has violated human rights in a child protection case. A Roma woman brought the case about violation of family life to Strasbourg, because she is not given any contact with hter daughter. The daughter, born in 2011, was taken from her care.

The unanimous judgment from Strasbourg says that Norway has violated Article 8 of the Convention, which gives everybody the right to protection of their private life and family life. Norway has to pay € 25,000 to Ms Jansen. It corresponds to some NOK 245,000.

This happens in the wake of an international wave of protest against Norwegian CPS Barnevernet. There are still five cases pending in Strasbourg. They also involve several foreign citizens whose children have been taken.

What are you going to do now, Prime Minister Erna Solberg? You have a Minister of Children and Equality, Linda Hofstad Helleland. She recently came out in Aftenposten in an interview, on 29 August. The heading was: "Norwegian Barnevern is ahead. Soon other countries will follow." She even had the gall to say: "I will not give an inch as regards Norwegian child protection."

The responsibility is your now, Erna Solberg. We cannot have a Minister who does not understand what to do! Today's unanimous judgment from the Court of Human Rights should certainly lead to her dismissal. The Minister will have to give more than an inch!



 Post subject: Re: Norway convicted in Strasbourg, case of Jansen v. Norway
PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 9:56 am 
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The judgment has, among other things, a reference to the CPS having given as a reason for the foster placement of Jansen's daughter the need for a special type of care, viz 'development-enhancing' care – the invention of the Raundalen committee (cf here). It means: One has declared that children do not need parents, what they need is any "care-giving person" who can give it a stimulating and safe environment. Now Strasbourg has come up with a judgment which says no to all this nonsense: Children need contact with their own parents. We must hope, hope, hope that it is not accidental in this judgment, but rather that the Court in Strasbourg has seen that the whole quackery must go.


 Post subject: Re: Norway convicted in Strasbourg, case of Jansen v. Norway
PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 10:00 am 
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! !

There has apparently been another CPS case against Norway in Strasbourg, on the same date, and Norway gave up defending that one!

Som info here (in Norwegian):

Rune Fardal:
Jansen mot Norge, brudd på art.8 EMD
Familiekanalen, på youtube



 Post subject: Re: Norway convicted in Strasbourg, case of Jansen v. Norway
PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 2:07 pm 
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Petitions calling for Linda Hofstad Helleland to resign or be replaced

Alf Magne Henriksen:
Barneminister Linda Hofstad Helleland må gå av!
(Children's Minister Linda Hofstad Helleland must resign!), 7 September 2018

Lars-Toralf Utnes Storstrand:
Linda Hofstad Helleland må avsettes
(Linda Hofstad Helleland must be removed), 7 September 2018



 Post subject: Re: Norway convicted in Strasbourg, case of Jansen v. Norway
PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 9:15 am 
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Dom mot Norge i Den europeiske menneskerettsdomstol (EMD)
(Judgment against Norway in the European Court of Human Rights (ECrHR))
Romkvinne ble nektet all kontakt med datteren - brudd på menneskerettighetene, sier EMD
(Roma woman was denied all contact with her daughter – violation of human rights, says the ECtHR)
Enstemmig dom mot Norge i Den europeiske menneskerettsdomstol (EMD) i barnevernssak.
(Unanimous judgment against Norway in the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR))
Dagbladet, 6 September 2018

"Kvinnen er fratatt omsorgen for sin datter som hun fødte i 2011. Hun er seinere nektet all kontakt med datteren, og det er det domstolen i Strasbourg nå slår ned på."
(The care for her daughter, born in 2011, was taken away from the woman. Later she has been denied all contact with the daughter, and this what the Court in Strasbourg now attacks.)

"- Min klient er svært glad og lettet for avgjørelsen, og optimistisk med tanke på å kjempe videre for at hun og hennes datter skal få ha kontakt i framtida, sier romkvinnens advokat Nora Hallén i advokatfirmaet Elden til Dagbladet."
( – My client is very glad and relieved over the judgment, and optimistic about fighting on for her and her daughter to achieve contact in the future, says the Roma lady's lawyer Nora Hallén in the law firm of Elden to Dagbladet.)

"- EMD presiserer den langsiktige negative effekten det kan ha for barnet å miste kontakten med sin biologiske mor, i lys av at staten har en forpliktelse om å legge til rette for en gjenforening mellom mor og barn så raskt det er mulig. Dette prinsippet om å jobbe for gjenforening mellom foreldre og barn - selv om det skal være en omsorgsovertakelse - opplever jeg som advokat i barnevernssaker at verken barnevernet eller domstolen i tilstrekkelig grad tar hensyn til, sier Hallén."
(The ECtHR emphasises the long term negative effect for the child to lose contact with her biological mother, in the light of the state's obligation to facilitate a reunion between mother and daughter as soon as possible. The fact that neither the CPS nor our courts take sufficient account of just this principle of working for a reunion between parents and children – even when a taking into care is to take place – is what I as a lawyer in child protection cases come up against, says Hallén.)

At last! A lawyer who understands that not only are the parents harmed – the child is harmed by being deprived of its contact with its mother! Let us hope that Hallén and her client go ahead now, to at least get extensive visitation practice for mother and daughter, preferably with a plan of proper reunion.


Dagbladet's journalist Asle Hansen then interviews professor of law Karl Harald Søvig and deputy state secretary (next-in-command to Minister Helleland) Tom Erlend Skaug, and elicits some quite revealing statements:

Skaug: "Vi registrerer også at EMD i denne dommen ikke synes å være kritiske til det norske barnevernssystemet som sådan".
(We take note of that the ECtHR in this judgment does not seem to be critical of the Norwegian child protection system as such.)

Skaug about the coming appeal in the Lobben case in October:
"– Vi er spente på avgjørelsen i den saken."
(– We are eager to see the decision in that case.)

Søvig: "- Dette er en sakstype som ofte står for norske domstoler, og er således veldig interessant."
(– This is a type of case which is often before Norwegian courts, and it is therefore very interesting.)

Ah yes, they are eager and interested. Excuse me, the two gentlemen seem to be less interested in the tragedies. Both are "interested" in whether the system can be protected, so that the tragedy-producing child protection system is not brought to an end? They seem to frolic in legalities and in "the game", and are without any understanding of the seriousness of the abuse carried out by Barnevernet and of the jurists' own avoidance of making it public.

It reminds me of what Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Carsten Smith was so interested in in 1996, when the judgment against Norway in Adele Johansen's child protection case appeared: He was so glad to interpret the judgment not to have judged the Norwegian judicial treatment of the case (cf the last paragraph about case (a) here).

That again reminds us of the old saying that law and justice are far too important to be left to jurists. I agree completely (cf The Child Protection Service (CPS) – unfortunately the cause of grievous harm – Part 1: First encounters with the system and the court procedures, the last section: The bankruptcy of the legal system).



 Post subject: Re: Norway convicted in Strasbourg, case of Jansen v. Norway
PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 9:16 am 
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TV2 and Kommunal Rapport have published the NTB article, and Fædrelandsvennen has published the Norwegian version of Jan Pedersen's article (cf above):


Norge dømt i barnevernssak (Norway found guilty in a child protection case)
Norge har brutt menneskerettighetene i en barnevernssak, konkluderer menneskerettighetsdomstolen i Strasbourg i en enstemmig dom.
(Norway has violated human rights in a child protection case, is the conclusion of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg in a unanimous judgment.)
TV2, 6 September 2018

It is not correct that all the cases at present in Strasbourg are about "the balancing of parents' rights against children's need of protection". This is in many cases a misdirecting phrase favoured by the Norwegian establishment.

EMD: Norge har brutt menneskerettighetene i barnevernssak
BARNEVERN. Norge har brutt menneskerettighetene i en barnevernssak, konkluderer menneskerettighetsdomstolen i Strasbourg i en enstemmig dom.
Kommunal Rapport, 6 september 2018

Jan Pedersen, Søgne:
Hva gjør Erna nå? (What will Erna do now?)
Statsråd Helleland tok feil. Norge har brutt menneskerettighetene i barnevernssak.
(Minister Helleland was wrong!
Norway has violated human rignts in child protection case)
Fædrelandsvennen, 7 / 10 September 2018



 Post subject: Re: Norway convicted in Strasbourg, case of Jansen v. Norway
PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 4:34 am 
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This article seems to give an example of the blindness we see among many lawyers and jurists. The article is behind a pay wall, so his reasoning remains uncertain to me. But regardless, Gjems-Onstad clearly knows little or less about how the CPS goes about matters in actual practice, in contradistinction to what they and the authorities say.

Ole Gjems-Onstad, professor at the Department of Law and Governance at The Norwegian Business School (Handelshøyskolen BI), author of the book "Menneskerettigheter – en verden uten helvete" (Human rights – a world without hell):
Uforstand fra menneskerettighetsdomstolen
(Lack of judgment from the Court of Human Rights)
Dagens Næringsliv, 11 september 2018

"En fersk dom om norsk barnevern tolker visse prinsipper som så ufravikelige at resultatet kan skade de svakeste blant oss."
(- A new judgment about Norwegian child protection interprets certain principles as so absolute that the result can harm the weakest among us.)

It sounds like Gjems-Onstad will maybe apply the same kind of attitude which Norway has employed against Taters and others, and which they have later sort of apologised for, cf the NTB article about the Council of Europe's statement here:

Europarådet om barnevernets forhold til særlig Rom-folk
(The Council of Europe about the relation of Barnevernet especially to Roma people)
Forum RVB, 29 May 2017



 Post subject: Re: Norway convicted in Strasbourg, case of Jansen v. Norway
PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 4:35 am 
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Olav Sylte, lawyer:
Europa har talt
(Europe has spoken / has addressed us), 6 September 2018

"Ettersom norsk rett i sin drøftelse av hva som var barnets beste, nettopp ikke vurderte skadevirkningen av total splitting og heller ikke muligheten for fremtidig tilbakeføring, anså menneskerettighetsdomstolen inngrepet som en krenkelse av menneskerettighetskonvensjonen artikkel 8."
(Since the Norwegian court treatment has, in its deliberations on what constitutes the child's best interest, not considered the harm of total separation nor the possibility of future reunion, the Court of Human Rights considered the actions as a violation of the human rights convention's Article 8.)

"Norges barnevernminister uttalte for noen dager siden til Dagbladet at hun var stolt, for hun mente at norsk barnevern var best i verden. Hun uttalte også til Aftenposten at Norge ikke ville akseptere korreks utenfra og vil ikke "vike en tomme", og at hun regnet med at andre land etter hvert ville følge etter Norge og vår praktisering av hva som er til barns beste."
(-Norway's children's minister said some days ago to Dagbladet that she was proud, since she held Norwegian child protection to be the best in the world. She also said to Aftenposten that Norway would not accept reprimand from outside and will not "give an inch", and that she counted on other countries by and by following Norway's example and practicing of what is in children's best interest.)

"Dagens avgjørelse viser at i hvert fall ikke menneskerettighetsdomstolen er villig til å følge etter norsk barnevern, og det endatil på et svært sentralt punkt; nemlig betydningen av splitting av familiens bånd."
(Today's decision shows that at least the human rights court is not willing to follow Norway's child protection's example, not even on a very central point, viz the importance of severing the family's bonds.)

"På mange måter slår egentlig dagens avgjørelse bena under på ministeren. Det spørs om [hun] nå er like stolt over sin etat, eller om hun vil akseptere og respektere at resten av Europa har talt."
(In many ways today's decision knocks the Ministerf off her feet. It is something of a question whether she is now equally proud of her cps agency, or whether she will accept and respect that the rest of Europe has spoken.)



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