Enda en artikkel som omhandler flere av sakene om indiske familier vi kjenner til, både Bhattacharya-saken i Stavanger, Saha-saken fra New Jersey i USA som petisjonen tar opp, og Domenic-saken fra Gotland i Sverige:
When it comes to child abuse, why pick South Asians, repeatedly?Av Kaberi Chatterjee
Can-India, Canada, 14 september 2012
Meget velinformert om disse sakene. Hun har skjønt at det er noe galt med vestlig barnevern – trass i tittelen på artikkelen, som kanskje får det til å virke som om hun tror vestlig barnevern
spesielt angriper syd-asiater, mens de jo i realiteten angriper hvem som helst "over hele fjøla".
Det ser ut til at en kommentar jeg posterte, er kommet inn nedenfor artikkelen. Den er sånn:
Marianne Skanland
12:11 am on November 4, 2012
Bergen, Norway:
Well-informed article! Kaberi Chatterjee has ‘got it right’ – i.e has understood that there is something wrong in the practices and attitudes of child ‘protection services’ (CPS) in much of the western world.
The only thing I might want to voice a slight objection to, is the article’s title (but it may alternatively be read as good irony?). The thing is: These ‘protection’ agencies operate on the basis of an ideology which does not value love between family members, which produces its own quack, self-serving literature and ignores factual research, which glorifies social workers and the state and foster ‘parents’ and psycho-babblers, and sanctions making a living out of taking into ‘care’ as many children as they can get away with and vilifying and stigmatising real parents. The CPS do not pick especially on South Asians, it is just that when taking the children of ethnic minorities, they may count on plenty of prejudice in the general population to back them up, so such minorities are over-represented because they are the easiest to attack. But make no mistake about it: actually tens of thousands of ethnic Europeans are victims too.
Have you seen the recent, very promising launch of a petition
to the National Human Rights Commission of India regarding the family devastations carried out by our western, ‘civilised’ countries? I have linked to it here:
"Petition to the Indian National Human Rights Commission: Indians want their government to guard against western CPS"
viewtopic.php?f=56&t=7106We should note that representatives from other countries were present at the press conference also.
Perhaps I could also suggest that your readers might find something of interest here:
" Critical comments to Norway's fourth periodic report to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child – 2008"
http://www.crin.org/docs/NGO%20Norway%2 ... report.pdfand here:
"Political program for child protection in local administration"
http://www.mhskanland.net/page10/page124/page124.htmlThis program lists, before recommending radical change, some results of the present 'protection' activities run by our states. These results, as you can see, fully bear out Kaberi's misgivings in one of her most to-the-point observations: " I wonder if the children will ever forget the separation pangs and grow up as normal children."
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Ny lenke til
Critical comments to Norway's fourth periodic report to the UN
Committee on the Rights of the Child – 2008
http://dokument.r-b-v.net/fn/critical-c ... d-2008.pdfTidligere lå den på FN-relaterte CRIN
https://www.crin.org/en/library/publica ... ghts-child