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 Post subject: Re: Czech family seriously damaged by Norwegian CPS
PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 8:56 am 
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2 January 2015

Apparently this is a list of a whole lot of published articles about the case which can be clicked into:




 Post subject: Re: Czech family seriously damaged by Norwegian CPS
PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 8:59 am 
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2 January 2015

This must be the official webpage (under the Czech site about its members in the European parliament?) of the Czech EU parliament member who has really taken energetic action and worked hard to have Eva Michaláková's case solved, and has also contributed to combatting Norwegian ideas of how children are protected:

Tomáš Zdechovský

Mr Zdechovský has in fact published his mail address.
Clicking "Detail" gives the address of a web-page and a mail address:



 Post subject: Re: Czech family seriously damaged by Norwegian CPS
PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 8:20 am 
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4 January 2015

Quite a lot of people are writing on the internet. This is someone who maybe knows the case well, perhaps he/she knows the family:  

thegreatstorycollector passes on an article written by Reina Kitsune:
Norway steals children
tumblr., not dated


Here is another one, with information I am very glad to hear about:

Hi Norway! What is up with your child protection servies?, about October / November 2014

The sentence that gladdens my heart is this:
"I am from Czech Rep. and our country even issued a warning for a families with children to beware of your country."

This is exactly what we would like many countries to do. It is quite in line with what the group in India who worked out the petition to their national human rights commission wanted their state to do (p 7):
Now therefore the undersigned petition the National Human Rights Commission to do the following:
   1. The National Human Rights Commission exercises its powers under Sections 12(d) and (e) of the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 to recommend the following measures… :
- -
(c) The Government of India issues a travel advisory drawing the attention of Indians planning to travel abroad, even for holidays or medium term stay, to the severe and confiscatory nature of foreign child protection laws;

Someone down there in the Czech Rep must be using their brain and really be being awake! Bravo!



 Post subject: Re: Czech family seriously damaged by Norwegian CPS
PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 12:06 pm 
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One Jaroslav Jindra has interviewed a Czech who has worked in a child protection institution Buan Gaard (Buan Farm) in neighbourhood of Trondheim, and who has seriously negative things to say about the place.

There is a long article in a Czech newspaper, but so far I have not found it, neither in the original nor translated into English. Here is an attempted translation into Norwegian, put on the web by Tomáš Zdechovský! The translation is not good enough to be understandable in all parts (maybe automatic translation has been used), but quite a lot about the place is clear enough:

Tomáš Zdechovský v Evropském parlamentu:
For Norwegian friends - an artical from the Czech magazin Časopis Reflex
Forferdelige vitnesbyrd fra ansatte fra et fosterhjem Buan norsk Gaard
(Horrifying testimony from employees at a foster home Buan norsk Gaard (Buan Norwegian Farm))

interview with: Jaroslav Jindra
asked: Jordanka Jirásková
translate: Lucie Jíchová

- -

Here, Jaroslav Jindra and Buan Gaard turn up in a long comment to another posting, apparently again in connection with Časopis Reflex (cf the heading)
Lidé v petici žádají: České děti zpět z Norska do České republiky!, 4 October 2014

and this is apparently a short version:

Petra Jadrná:
Česko, vraťme děti rodičům
facebook, 21 October 2014



 Post subject: Re: Czech family seriously damaged by Norwegian CPS
PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 4:10 pm 
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Here is a Norwegian ambassador, Leif Arne Ulland in Lithuania this time, who is full of milk and honey about the Norwegian practice of "child protection". It is more than reminiscent of the statement of the Norwegian embassy in Czechia.

Norway talks milk and honey in Lithuania about our child protection



 Post subject: Re: Czech family seriously damaged by Norwegian CPS
PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 10:50 pm 
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An earlier posting on the web which we do not seem to have found previously:

Stolen by the barnevernet
Mar Ka Te, 11 November 2014

One misunderstanding, however, is this:
"I had read about many cases of child abduction by the Barnevernet - up to 12,500 cases a year – an incredibly alarming number!"

Something like this figure is being passed around, I have seen it several times. The figure actually relates to the total number of children in the system at any one time, not to the number of new cases of children being taken each year. Prevalence, not incidence. The number of new children being taken by the CPS each year seems to be between 1000 and 2000. Some children also pass out of the system, they are either allowed to go home or they come of age at 18 (although the CPS can at times manage to keep them on until they are 23, more or less voluntarily and with remuneration, possibly both to the foster home and the "child").

The number of children in the care of the CPS has grown steadily at least since about 1990. Around 1995 it was something like 4-5000, as far as I remember, then today we are up to between 12000 and 15000. The authorities urge all sorts of people to report "worries" about children to the CPS and have no misgivings about false information, incompetent investigations and assessments by the CPS and their psychologists, unwarranted child confiscations being confirmed by the county social committees and the courts. They increase the budgets, and so ever more children are taken. Exact numbers can be hard to come by, since cases can be classified in various ways by the authorities.

It is, however, hardly important. The important question is of course the wrongful basis for action and the harmful behaviour of the CPS. Why should it be any less reprehensible as long as it is done only to a few and is kept discretely tucked away?



 Post subject: Re: Czech family seriously damaged by Norwegian CPS
PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 10:13 pm 
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MH Skånland wrote:
The number of children in the care of the CPS has grown steadily at least since about 1990. Around 1995 it was something like 4-5000, as far as I remember, then today we are up to between 12000 and 15000.

Let me make it even clearer: Marianne Skånland is talking about children who are away from their parents.

In the old forum we had a text at the top stating how many children were born in relation to the TOTAL of how many children the child protection services took some sort of action in relation to. The TOTAL number was, I think, in the neighbourhood of 50,000.

But the important question is: HOW ARE THE CHILDREN AND HOW ARE THE FAMILIES. It is not a question of whether there are thirty, forty or seventy thousand who …

"Vårt" lysebrune-mørkerøde såkalte barnevern stjeler mennesker
> Radikalt forum mot familiedestruksjon:<

 Post subject: Re: Czech family seriously damaged by Norwegian CPS
PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 7:08 pm 
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A new statement from the Norwegian embassy in Prague yesterday – the contents being of the usual kind which we know well from Norwegian authorities:

Child welfare in Norway and the Michalak boys
The Norwegian Embassy in the Czech Republic, 20 January 2015

The embassy, on behalf of Norwegian authorities, claim that all sorts of things said by Eva Michaláková and by Czech media are untrue, and so on. Also, they claim that the boys are "progressing well" in their foster homes. "Progressing" sounds like an insinuation that they were not doing well before they were taken from their parents, and that the CPS and the foster homes are having to work to compensate for that.

But anyway, that is what they say about foster children generally: that things are going so well with them and they were so miserable and so damaged when they were with their parents. Of course all sorts of 'child experts' back this up. This kind of 'information' is not matched by statistics relating to the number of children who try to escape from foster homes, nor those of the end results of foster care, which are appalling: a very high percentage have a miserable life, comprising crime, illness, early death, no education, unemployment, not to speak of tragedies of personal life (cf the points marked • in the section "Protection of the child / Child protection" here: Political program for child protection in local administration).



 Post subject: Re: Czech family seriously damaged by Norwegian CPS
PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 11:20 pm 
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22 January 2015

Jan Simonsen has been interviewed by Czech tv again. There will hopefully be new info when the interview is being shown or after. The interviewers are apparently shocked both at the 'information' which the Norwegian embassy has published, and at the fact that neither the CPS nor anybody else from Norwegian authorities will give them real information.

I am not surprised that Norwegian authorities will not give out sensible, explanatory information about the case. It is a rather clear indication that there aren't any sensible explanations of the actions of the CPS. And of course we know that there seldom are.



 Post subject: Re: Czech family seriously damaged by Norwegian CPS
PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 11:54 pm 
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An earlier episode in which bereaved parents complained that their abducted children were not allowed to use their mother tongue

We should take yet another look at point 5 passed by the Czech parliament (posting of 11 December 2014 here):

5. a child in foster homes should be brought up in such a way that it is in accord with its nationality and the culture of the country of the child's origin, including that a child has the right to receive instruction in its mother tongue, so that it can return to its country of origin in years to come;

to which I referred in a posting on 1 January 2015, here, where the complaint was against a Norwegian municipality for denying children in CPS care the right to speak their mother tongue.

Now we should hold this up against an article from 7 October 2012 about a demonstration outside the Norwegian embassy in Colombo on Sri Lanka, the demonstrators state that Tamil children in Norway are denied the right to speak their mother tongue:

– Demonstrasjon utenfor den norske ambassaden på Sri Lanka (Demonstration outside the Norwegian embassy on Sri Lanka)
En gruppe srilankere hevder norske myndigheter har fratatt tamilske foreldre barna med makt, uten gyldig grunn. UD kjenner til saken. (A group of Sri Lankans claim that Norwegian authorities have taken the children away from their Tamil parents forcibly, without legitimate reason. The Foreign Ministry knows the case.)
abc nyheter, 7 October 2012

The embassy on Sri Lanka denies this and other complaints – of course – and comes up with one of the usual statements:
"I en redegjørelse forklarer de inngående hvordan det norske barnevernet fungerer.
    – Barnevernsloven er klar på at barnevernet har et ansvar for å gripe inn dersom barnet er utsatt for omsorgsvikt, skriver ambassaden.
    Ambassaden tilbakeviser også en rekke av anklagene fra demonstrantene, blant annet at barna ikke får snakke morsmålet sitt."

(In a statement they explain carefully how Norwegian child protection functions.
    – The statute relating to child protection is clear regarding the responsibility of the CPS to act if the child is subject to care failure, the embassy writes.
    The embassy also denies a number of allegations from the demonstrators, e.g. that the children are not allowed to speak their mother tongue.)

Mr Oddbjørn Hauge was the spokesman of the Ministry then too (cf what he said about Russian allegations). In relation to Sri Lanka he said:
"Barne-, likestillings- og inkluderingsdepartementet har også vært i diaolog med ambassaden.
    – Vi er kjent med at det har vært reaksjoner i det tamilske miljøet mot norsk barnevern. På fredag hadde embetsverket i departementet et møte med en representant fra ambassaden. Det ble gitt litt generell informasjon om norsk barnevern, hvordan saker behandles og foreldrenes rettssikkerhet, sier ekspedisjonssjef Oddbjørn Hauge til ABC Nyheter."

(The Ministry of children, equality and inclusion has been in a dialogue with the embassy [Presumably Sri Lanka's embassy in Norway?].
    – We are aware that there have been reactions in Tamil circles against Norwegian child protection. On Friday the Civil Service in the Ministry had a meeting with a representative from the embassy. They were given some general information about Norwegian child protection, about how cases are handled and about the legal safeguards for the parents, says the Director General of the section of the Ministry concerned, Oddbjørn Hauge, to ABC News.)


The thread on Forum Redd Våre Barn (Forum Save Our Children) referring to the article about the demonstration on Sri Lanka also carried a posting by Dung Svalland, who is Vietnamese, and who wrote that the CPS had called the police asking for assistance to throw Dung out of the room on the CPS premises where she had been allowed to meet her children, because she was softly singing a song in Vietnamese. Two policemen came along and threatened her to stop singing. She had previously protested against the CPS when they forbade her in writing to speak Vietnamese with the children. Since Vietnamese had then been forbidden them for so long, the children have now forgotten it. The prohibition of it still stands.

I have had contact personally in a case where Norwegian CPS forbade the use of two children's mother tongue Bulgarian with a friend of their grandmother who was visiting Norway and sought to bring the children greetings from the grandmother. The CPS then forbade contact altogether.


Does Norway really think it can get away forever with all these denials that they are using language restrictions? Towards all the many families from one country after another? What, if Norway were right, would be the explanation of all the different nationals who complain about the suppression of their language? Will Norway claim that they are all lying?

– The real reason why Norway bans the use of other languages is crystal clear: They want total control over the children, especially in their communication with their own parents. The CPS and foster 'parents' panic if the foster children are able to communicate whatever they want to their parents and do so without the CPS knowing what is said and masterminding the communications – and masterminding the sanctions and punishment that follow if the children tell their parents what they want and what is done to them in the foster situation, and if the parents tell the children that they love them and are working like beavers to get them free from foster 'care' and home.


Yet another example of the 'need' of social workers to control language. This time it is not in Norway, it is the Netherlands that has confiscated children of foreign origin who do not speak Dutch at home. (Big brother sees you – every hour in the day, when you are at home also.) Once again it is Christopher Booker who finds the cases!

It is very much like Norway. If anyone wonders why, they ought to investigate how social work circles all around the world copy one another, in ideologies, methods and 'explanations'.

Christopher Booker:
MEPs must investigate this child-snatching scandal
The Telegraph, 22 March 2014



 Post subject: Re: Czech family seriously damaged by Norwegian CPS
PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 8:40 pm 
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Some more from Reina Kitsune (cf above):

More info about the Norway steals children issue
Hufflepuff Pride, 22 January 2015

"I don't know if anyone aside from some Czech citizens really read the last journal where I informed about how the norwegian CPS (Barnevernet) took children …"

Hmm, dear blog writer:

We read it pertinent stuff when we can find it in searches! And it is very good of you to give summaries like what the Norwegian ambassador dishes out. (Cf Norwegian embassies abroad and Norwegian child protection.)

However, the most important thing is actually to do something about what the Czechs are spending time on reading and discussing. In order for the Czech nation to give their very best contribution to the fight against Western child 'protection', the Czechs have to be willing to read up on how the CPS works in general, and on what some of us have written for everybody's information. There I find Czechs – ordinary people, the press, politicians – just as unwilling as other people affected by the wayward CPS (and I have had a lot of experience over the last 20 years or so).

The reason why you have to make more of a well-organised effort is that you need that in order not to spend time on being surprised by, or on "interpreting" and complaining loudly about, the various things Norwegian authorities will say. Nor should you waste time on coming up with speculations about what the reason(s) can be. It is quite unnecessary, all the information can be found already. Norwegian CPS and all the authorities higher up are used to such complaints and speculations about senseless CPS cases. They continue in the same way all the same. You need to look thoroughly at the work against CPS that has been done before, so that you are not fooled into thinking that the Michaláková case is a singular exception or that talking common sense and humanity to the Norwegian authorities or the Norwegian press will bring you anywhere. You need the much stronger ammunition of knowing what the game is and being able to counter it with REAL information whenever the Norwegians start babbling. You shouldn't spend even 10 seconds being surprised and incensed at the things they say and do. What they say and do is practically the same in all cases. You must steel yourselves, and form alliances.

Start e.g by reading every one of the articles and reports linked to at the end of this article:
Child protection case damages Norway's reputation in the Czech Republic

When you start to understand how the whole system works, you go to your politicians, support those of them who are already working flat out having a stop put to Western CPS and press hard for the rest of your politicians to join them (and not be charmed into the same ideology spread about by Western social work ideologists). Then you try to get other nations to do the same: Slovaks, Russians, Turks, Estonians, Lithuanians, Poles, Brazilians, Sri Lankans, Indians (look at the excellent work on the links list from India two or three years ago).

Plenty of more articles to read here too:
Section for English speakers

Make a start! Eva Michaláková's case is not the only one, not even the only one involving Czech children. You'll have a much stronger punch when you can impress both your countrymen and others by showing that you know exactly what is going on, and can counter their ideas of science and child psychology.



 Post subject: Re: Czech family seriously damaged by Norwegian CPS
PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 11:21 pm 
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MEP to negotiate Czech children’s return to mother in Norway
Prague Post, 18 January 2015

Tomáš Zdechovský will also discuss other cases in the Nordic country in which Czech families were broken up


MEP to negotiate children's return to mother in Norway
Prague Daily Monitor, 19 January 2015


Embassy says there were urgent reasons children in Norway were taken from Czech parents
Radio Prague, 21 January 2015


Norwegian MPs may discuss Michalák case
Prague Post, 23 January 2015

Czech MEP Tomáš Zdechovský has been pushing for Norway to take action
…… He said Per Sandberg, deputy chairman of the Progress Party, wants to ask the Norwegian Foreign Minister about the case at a meeting of the foreign committee of Norwegian Parliament.
“This will be for the first that something like this will happen in Norway in relation to a case involving the Czech Republic,” Zdechovský said.



 Post subject: Re: Czech family seriously damaged by Norwegian CPS
PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 11:55 am 
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A Czech lady who is interested in this case and who has found this thread, has sent me a mail including links to two interesting items. (If she comes back with summaries in English, it would be even better!):


Here is an 18 minutes long interview about Eva Michaláková's case with a member of the Czech parliament, Jitka Chalánková:

Chalánková: Ideální postup? Ať vláda podá žalobu na Norsko
DV tv, Aktuálně.cz, 21 January 2015

"Žádám norskou velvyslankyni, ať doloží, co matka zatajila, protože ona tvrdí, že všechny informace poskytla, říká poslankyně Chalánková. Žalobu na Norsko by podle ní Česko mohlo podat s dalšími státy"

It is encouraging that the Czechs take this case seriously and also see the general implications of it.


Article about the Czech prime minister addressing the Norwegian prime minister Erna Solberg directly:

Sobotka se kvůli kauze Michalákových obrací na norskou premiérku, 21 January 2015

"Premiér Bohuslav Sobotka (ČSSD) se kvůli případu dvojice českých chlapců Michalákových odebraných norskými úřady matce obrátí přímo na norskou premiérku s výzvou, aby se zasadila o důkladné posouzení případu. Uvedl to po středečním jednání s norskou velvyslankyní."



 Post subject: Re: Czech family seriously damaged by Norwegian CPS
PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 10:34 pm 
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An example of language ban in the Netherlands has been added at the end of the posting of
Thu Jan 22, 2015 11:54 pm above. Here it is again:

Christopher Booker:
MEPs must investigate this child-snatching scandal
The Telegraph, 22 March 2014



 Post subject: Re: Czech family seriously damaged by Norwegian CPS
PostPosted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 10:21 pm 
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A petition which can be signed

Mirek K., Czech Republic:
Government of Norway: Return Children to Their Mothers
24 January 2015

The text is in English, Norwegian and Czech.

The number of signatures is growing fast. The petition is, as we see in the right hand column, at the top, to be delivered to the Government of Norway. (I've signed it, and there was another signer from Norway just before me. But I can't see anywhere to click to see all signatures.)



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