Demonstrations abroad against Norwegian child protection (CPS) – BarnevernetPlanned demonstrations:
8 January USA - Washington DC
8 January Britain - London
8 January Spain – Barcelona
8 January Denmark – Copenhagen
8 January Ireland – Dublin
9 January Romania - Bucharest, Timisoara, Constanta, Cluj
9 January Belgium - Brussels
9 January Germany - Frankfurt
9 January Canada - Ottawa
9 January Italy – Rome, Torino
9 January Netherlands – Hague
10 January Spain - Madrid
16 January The Czech Republic - Prague
16 January Latvia – Riga
16 January Russia – Moscow
16 January Austria – Vienna
17 January India - New Delhi, Kolkata
23 January Slovakia - Bratislava
30 January Poland - Warsaw
Even if only some of these demonstrations take place, it should be considered very good. We must keep our eyes open and hope for reports, preferably in foreign media.
Here in Norway there was a demonstration in Oslo on Tuesday 5 January, with about 40-50 people (very good in this cold weather!).
Protest in Oslo*
5:50 p.m.The national broadcasting nrk had a coverage in the radio program
"Her og Nå" (Here and now) which runs between 5 and 6 pm. The part of the program dealing with Norwegian Barnevernet was about 9 minutes long. The first part spoke of the demonstrations and interviewed a CPS representative from Naustdal, the municipality where five children have been taken from the family Bodnariu (
The five children of a Rumanian-Norwegian family taken by Barnevernet), the second part was an interview with the Norwegian ambassador in Lithuania, who told the listeners about the upset over Norwegian CPS in Lithuania for months.
The program stated that there have been invitations to demonstrations in 5 countries today, in London, Washington DC, Barcelona, Dublin og Copenhagen.
The CPS say they do not believe the foreigners know how the Norwegian statute regulating child protection works, they will (again) send out information in English, and 'try to explain' the Norwegian system. The ambassador in Lithuania complains (again) that the foreigners do not want to listen to this "information". An embassy secretary in Washington thinks that incorrect information is circulating.
The CPS locally in Naustdal have received heaps of postcards etc, and the administrative head of the municipal administration finds the situation so unpleasant that he will have the police monitor websites here in Norway which he thinks spread smear-campaigns on the edge of illegality.
Video – Preliminary announcement of demonstrations