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 Post subject: Thirteen-year-old girl died in foster home in Sunnfjord
PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 1:12 pm 
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Thirteen-year-old girl died in foster home in Sunnfjord, the county of Sogn og Fjordane

13-åring døydde på fosterheim i Sunnfjord (13-year-old died in foster home in Sunnfjord)
Firda, 17 February 2016

"Anda representerer den avlidne jenta sine foreldre, og har meldt saka på vegner av foreldra.
    Han meiner tilhøvet er svært alvorleg i lys av at dei oppfordringane som dei biologiske foreldra gav om å mønstre helsehjelp for den fosterplasserte jenta."

([Lawyer] Anda represents the deceased girl's parent, and has reported the case on the parents' behalf.
    He thinks that the circumstances are very serious in the light of the urgent requests which the biological parents made for the establishment of health services for the foster home placed girl.)

"Jenta budde opphavleg ein stad i Sogn, men budde i ein fosterheim i Sunnfjord då ho døydde. Dødsfallet skal ifølge Sogn Avis ha skjedd 4. februar. Politiet kravde obduksjon, og den førebelse konklusjonen har styrka alvoret i saka."
(The girl originally lived in a place in Sogn, but was living in a foster home in Sunnfjord when she died. The death, according to the newspaper Sogn Avis, happened on 4 February [2016]. The police demanded an obduction, and the provisional conclusion has confirmed that the case is serious.)

A longer article about the case:
Melder fosterforeldre for aktlaust drap (Reports the foster parents to the police for involuntary manslaughter)
Sogn barnevern, fosterforeldre og ein kommunelege er melde til politiet etter at ei 13 år gamal jente vart funnen død i senga si. (Sogn child protection service, foster parents and a municipally employed doctor have been reported to the police after a 13-year-old girl was found dead in her bed.)
nrk [the national broadcasting co], division Sogn og Fjordane county, 17 February 2016

"Det var i byrjinga av februar i år at jenta vart funnen død i si eiga seng i fosterheimen.
    Barnevernstenesta og fylkesnemnda meinte foreldra ikkje hadde god nok omsorgskompetanse då dei for to år sidan plasserte jenta i fosterheimen.
    Foreldra og advokaten meiner jenta i forkant av dødsfallet hadde symptom på epilepsi. Etter det NRK kjenner til var epilepsimedisineringa trappa ned i forkant av dødsfallet.
    Anda meiner barnevernstenesta bortforklara symptoma til jenta med angstanfall, fordi foreldra jobba for å få tilbake omsorga."

(It was at the beginning of February that the girl was found dead in her own bed in the foster home.
    The child protection service (CPS) and the County Committee held that the parents did not have a good enough proficiency for care, when they [the CPS and the CC] placed the girl in a foster home two years ago.
    The parents and their lawyer hold that the girl had symptoms of epilepsy before her death. NRK has learned that the epilepsy medication was stepped down prior to the death.
    [Lawyer] Anda says that the CPS explained away the girl's symptoms of anxiety attacks [to be due to] the parents' attempts to get back the care [for their daughter].)

Mr Anda says: "– Dette er ikkje ein liten glipp eller eit hendeleg uhell. Barnevernstenesta har neglisjert tallause oppmodingar frå biologiske foreldre og underteikna som deira advokat, om å få sett i verk legeundersøking, seier Anda."
(This is not a tiny slip or a regrettable accident. The CPS has countless times neglected the parents' begging them, and [me] signing as their lawyer, to have a medical examination done.)


This kind of "explanation" and behaviour on the part of Barnevernet is well-known and not at all unusual: They trivialise what parents have to say about their children's health and illnesses. The deeply rooted CPS ideology is that anything abnormal is the parents' fault and will disappear when the children are placed in foster homes and the parents are prevented from contact with them.

Cf the case of Daniel Sigström, in the section "A well-known case from Sweden", here:
Foster care – which Sweden wanted for Malaysian children

and also the section "Illness and handicap" here:
The Child Protection Service (CPS) – unfortunately the cause of grievous harm – 2



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