As tragic as the child protection industry is, one still sometimes collapses in laughter: Another journalist, Lars Akerhaug, has discovered Morten Ørsal Johansen's article in the Sunday Guardian. Mr Akerhaug interviews a character called John Færseth, also a journalist, who has a few years back apparently written a philosophical book and several articles in which he "analyses" certain "groups" in Norway, finds that child protection protesters are central, and believes that they have ideas that the whole world is a conspiracy against them, implemented through Barnevernet. So he calls them "conspiracy theoreticians". (I believe I have seen myself called that as well!
Mr Akerhaug is a journalist with Minerva, which emanates from the conservative students at Oslo University, so he is interested in politics and world views too, apparently, and clearly admires Mr Færseth greatly.
When Mr Akerhaug discovers Ørsal Johansen's article, he interviews Mr Færseth first! Perhaps he brushes up on conspiracy theory. Then he interviews Ørsal Johansen.
Lars Akerhaug:
Frp-representant: – Barnevernet er en stat i staten (Progress Party representative – The CPS is a state within the state)
Minervanett, 3 October 2017
"I en kronikk i den indiske avisen Sunday Guardian kommer stortingsrepresentant Morten Ørsal Johansen (Frp) fra Oppland med kraftig kritikk av det norske barnevernet. Teksten ble opprinnelig publisert på norsk i Gudbrandsdalen Dagningen (GD)."(In an opinion article in the Indian newspaper Sunday Guardian, parliamentary representative Morten Ørsal Johansen (Progress Party) from Oppland voices hard criticism of the Norwegian child protection agency Barnevernet. The text was originally published in Norwegian in Gudbrandsdølen Dagningen (GD).)
"John Færseth gav i 2013 ut boken «KonspiraNorge» og har skrevet artikler om hvordan miljøer som er kritiske til barnevernet, ofte sprer konspirasjonsteorier. Færseth mener uttalelsene til Ørsal Johansen er problematiske.
– Det ser for meg ut som om han knytter seg opp mot en retorikk om barnevernet som motivert av et ønske om å oppløse familien som enhet, eventuelt tjene penger på å overta flest mulig barn. Dette er en retorikk som er vanlig i konspirasjonslandskapet, da særlig den delen som mener at Norge har diktatoriske trekk. Det er spesielt interessant at han kaller det «en stat i staten», altså at de er ute av kontroll."(In 2013, John Færseth published the book "KonspiraNorge" (ConspiraNorway) and he has written articles about how milieus critical to Barnevernet often disseminate conspiratorial theories. Færseth thinks that Ørsal Johansen's statements are problematic.
– To me it seems that he ties himself to a rhetoric about Barnevernet as motivated by a wish to dissolve the family as a unit, possibly making money out of taking over as many children as possible. This is a usual rhetoric in the conspiracy landscape, especially the part that holds Norway to have dictatorial tendencies. It is especially interesting that he calls it "a state within the state", meaning that they are out of control.)
Færseth also thinks that it would have been "natural" for Ørsal Johansen to take up any concern in one of the weekly question sessions in Parliament or to speak directly with the Minister. (Both safe, formalistic ways of having nothing happen except a bit of talk, of course, something John Færseth no doubt knows.)
Then Akerhaug tries "conspiracies", he too – he tries it on Ørsal Johansen, but doesn't have much luck:
"Morten Ørsal Johansen reagerer sterkt på kritikken fra Færseth.
– Det er han som sprer konspirasjonsteorier, så fagligheten her gir jeg ikke fem flate øre for. Hvis man er uenig i noe får man argumentere, ikke gå ut og si at noe er en konspirasjonsteori, sier han til Minerva."(Morten Ørsal Johansen reacts strongly to Færseth's criticism, saying:
– He is the one spreading conspiracy theories, so I don't give tuppence for this expertise. If one disagrees with something one must give arguments, not go around saying something is a conspiracy theory, he says to Minerva.)
"Stortingsrepresentanten fra Oppland sier han har tatt opp sin bekymring for barnevernets arbeid med statsråd Solveig Horne.
– Det er en grunn til at departementet nå har satt i gang et arbeid hvor de skal gå gjennom et antall barnevernsaker. Jeg vet ikke hvor mange henvendelser jeg har fått som går på konkrete enkeltsaker. Det er klart at noe av dette ikke er reelt, men det er også masse saker som faktisk er problematiske."(The MP from Oppland says he has taken up his worry with Minister Solveig Horne.
– There is a reason why the Ministry has now started work in which they will go through a number of child protection cases. I have lost count of how many people have come to me with concrete individual cases. Certainly some of this is not real, but there are masses of cases which are in fact problematic.)
"– Ikke konspirasjonsteorier
Frp-veteranen sier at han i teksten viser til opplysninger hentet fra lydopptak og utsagn fra en rådmann i en norsk kommune.
– Dette er ikke konspirasjonsteorier.
– Har politikerne lyttet for lite til de som er svært kritiske til barnevernet?
– Vi er veldig lite lydhøre til alt som har med kritikk av offentlige etater. Vi gjemmer oss ofte bak at dette er kommunens ansvar. Barnevernet har en veldig spesiell rolle i samfunnet.
– I disse anti-barnevernmiljøene finnes det også de som sprer konspirasjonsteorier og hat?
– Det er er klart, det er en del av disse gruppene som sprer holdninger som jeg ikke har noe til overs for og som kommer med trusler mot barnevernsansatte."(
Not conspiray theoriesThe Progress Party veteran says that in the article he refers to information from a tape recording and statements made by the head administrator in a Norwegian municipality.
– These are not conspiracy theories.
– Haven't the politicians listened enough to those who are very critical of Barnevernet?
– We are very reluctant to listen to everything having to do with criticism of public establishments. We often hide behind this being the responsibility of the municipality. Barnevernet has a very special role in society.
– In these anti-cps groups there are also those who spread conspiracy theories and hatred?
– Certainly, some of these groups communicate attitudes for which I have no sympathy, and voice threats against cps employees.)
Mr Akerhaug's article also has a section on what Minister Solveig Horne says about the bright future.
A formulation such as "The Progress Party veteran says that in the article he refers to information from a tape recording and statements made by the head administrator... " on the part of journalist Lars Akerhaug might perhaps indicate that he has not taken the trouble of reading Ørsal Johansen's article? Been busy with important questions of conspiracy theory all day, perhaps? Neither he nor Mr Færseth interested in going into the realities of Barnevernet outside of ideas in their own heads?