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 Post subject: Re: BBC documentaries: Parents against the State. 2016, 2018
PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 8:52 pm 
Rang: Storbruker

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The interview with the Norwegian Minister of Children and Equality referred to above shows two things:

1) That the minister has no ambition or is not capable of handling the crisis within the Norwegian CPS.

2) That the government and the prime minister, through the appointment of Helleland as Minister of Children, does not have any real intentions of cleaning up the mess within the CPS.

In other areas of society, matters like this could easily have caused a government crisis.
But typically, the Norwegian CPS keeps on being an ongoing tragedy for the families and children who are affected, without any reasonable reaction from those responsible, and without anyone being held responsible.

 Post subject: Re: BBC documentaries: Parents against the State. 2016, 2018
PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 4:46 am 
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Erik Bryn Tvedt, lawyer:
Hvem ivaretas i barnevernssaker?
(Who is taken care of in child protection cases?)
Aftenposten, 31 August 2018

"Statsråd Linda Helleland (H) i Barne- og likestillingsdepartementet tror Norge er et foregangsland når det gjelder å beskytte barn og unge mot overgrep, og uttaler at barns rettigheter er like mye verdt som foreldrenes. Mon tro det. Gjennom flere hundre barnevernssaker i fylkesnemnder og domstoler er det min erfaring at barns interesser i å tilhøre sin «flokk», sin slekt, ikke blir godt nok ivaretatt."
(Minister Linda Hellelend (the Convervative Party) of the Ministry of Children and Equaliry believes that Norway is a country leading the way as regards protecting children and youths against abuse, and says that the rights of children are as valuable as those of the parents. I wonder if that is so. Through several hundred child protection cases in county boards and courts I have drawn the experience that children's interest in belonging to their "flock", their kin, is not adequately taken care of.)

"Det burde jo være slik i en rettsstat at et akuttvedtak om å fjerne et barn fra hjemmet straks og innen 48 timer, som i fengslingssaker, ble brakt inn for retten. Barne- og likestillingsdepartementet forhindrer en effektiv og rettferdig behandling ved barnevernssaker."
(In a state under the rule of law, a decision to take a child acutely from its home should immediately and within 48 hours, like in imprisonment cases, be brought before a court. The Ministry of Children and Equality prevents an efficient and just procedure in child protection cases.)

(Note: Even if this comment is not mentioned in the list at the top, it is found further down on the page one clicks into, which is a collection of brief comments from 31 August.)



 Post subject: Re: BBC documentaries: Parents against the State. 2016, 2018
PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 5:08 am 
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Nathalie H. Brinkmann, lawyer:
Ministeren fraskriver seg ansvaret
(The Minister disclaims all responsibility)
Aftenposten, 2 September 2018

"Barneministeren uttalte seg i onsdagens avis som om hun har foretatt en komparativ studie av verdens barnevernstjenester når hun blant annet hevder at norsk barnevern er best."
(What the Minister for children said in Wednesday's paper sounds as if she has carried out a comparative study of the child protection services of the world, when she among other things claims that Norwegian child protection is best.)

"Hva er det som tilsier at feilene i norsk barnevern er noe resten av verden vil takke oss for?"
(What is it that indicates that the errors in Norwegian child protection is something the rest of the world will thank us for?)

"Ministerens syn på feil og mangler i egne rekker synliggjør hvorfor det er vanskelig å forbedre dagens system."
(The Minister's views on errors and discrepancies within their own ranks makes it clear why it is difficult to improve today's system.)

"Hun konstaterer at hun er kjent med at det begås grove feil, men at hun som ansvarlig minister nekter å ta ansvaret for feilene der enkeltpersoner står bak. Det burde være unødvendig å påpeke at som ansatt i barnevernstjenesten representerer man etaten også de gangene man gjør grove feil."
(She states that she knows that serious errors are committed, but that she as the responsible minister refuses to take the responsibility for the errors which single persons have committed. It should be unnecessary to point out that as an employee of the child protection service one represents the service when one commits grave mistakes also.)

"Samtidig som ministeren fraskriver seg ansvaret for feilene som begås, er hun freidig nok til å bekrefte at det er igangsatt et «historisk kompetanseløft» for barnevernet. Således vedgår hun likevel at dagens situasjon er lite holdbar, uten å fornærme etaten som sådan."
(At the same time that the Minister disclaims responsibility for errors which are committed, she is fresh enough to confirm that a "historical lifting of competence" has been set in motion for the child protection service. After all, then, she admits that today's situation is hardly tenable, without insulting the service as such.)

"Barnevernspedagogene må innse at de kan ikke hjelpe et barn uten å hjelpe den familien barnet er en del av."
(The child protection workers must face the fact that they cannot help children without helping the family which the child is part of.)



 Post subject: Re: BBC documentaries: Parents against the State. 2016, 2018
PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 5:29 am 
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Linda Hofstad Helleland, Minister of Children and Equality:
Jeg er stolt av norsk barnevern
(I am proud of Norwegian child protection)
Barnevernet i Norge er blant de fremste i verden til å ivareta og beskytte barn. Ansatte i barnevernet fortjener honnør og ikke daglige trusler for den krevende jobben de gjør.
(Barnevernet in Norway is among the foremost in the world in taking care of and protecting children. Employees in Barnevernet deserve credit and not daily threats for the demanding job they do.)
Dagbladet, 4 September 2018

Helleland harps on her twisted views and her distortions.

" Felles for store deler av kritikken er at den er basert på enkeltsaker, der foreldrene ofte er de eneste som kommer til orde."
(A common denominator for a lot of the criticism is that it is based on individual cases, the parents often being the only ones who get a word in.)

No, much of the criticism is general and goes both further and deeper than to accidental individual cases. It takes up statistics, history, and biological and psychological questions relating to child protection.
    Furthermore, if there is somebody who is allowed to get a word in, it is certainly the state's enthusiasts! They may be upset because they are not in addition able to dominate facebook groups established to get the victims' stories across?


"Vi får ofte presentert saker om tvang og omsorgsovertakelse, men i realiteten er det kun et fåtall familier som opplever tvang."
(We are often presented with cases about force and taking-into-care, but in reality only a few families experience force.)

Firstly, the force and the takings-into-care are by far the most serious. And the small minority? Even she herself gives the figure of 18 per cent in the Aftenposten interview, and according to Bufdir's statistics it is 40 percent! Cf above.

"De aller fleste familiene som mottar hjelp, får frivillige hjelpetiltak."
(The great majority of families receiving help get voluntary help measures.)

Many such measures are in reality voluntary force. Families know that the "help" does not render help, but they also know that if they do not say yes to receiving it, the children will be taken. The moment Barnevernet's power were to be taken away, we would also get to see what their help measures are worth. They are not as wonderful as Helleland will have it sound.


"Der det oppstår konflikt mellom interessene til barnet og foreldrene, skal vi være på barnets side."
(When a conflict arises between the interests of the child and the parents, we shall be on the child's side.)

The problem is that Barnevernet is the one who decides whether there is such a conflict. Helleland makes little of the big issues, issues like: Is Barnevernet telling the truth and do they assess matters correctly and realistically? We know enough to be able to say that the answer is "no".


"Feil skjer dessverre også i barnevernet. Det blir gjort feilvurderinger. Barn får ikke alltid hjelp tidlig nok. Tilsyn viser at barn og foreldre ikke alltid opplever at barnevernet lytter til dem, og enkeltsaker viser at tiltakene som har vært brukt ikke virker. Vi kan aldri stoppe opp, det er alltid behov for forbedringer."
(Errors happen in Barnevernet too, unfortunately. There are erroneous assessments. Children do not always receive help early enough. Inspection shows that children and parents do not always have the experience of Barnevernet listening to them, and individual cases show the measures used not to have had effect. We can never stop, there is always room for improvement.)

A blatant trivialising of the "errors". "Do not always have the experience of ..."? What can one say about such misrepresentation? And erroneous assessments largely consisting of children not "receiving help" early enough? In what way can that be held up against Barnevernet itself creating tragedies, early and late?


When Helleland writes
"Målet er at flest mulig barn skal vokse opp sammen med sine foreldre."
(The goal is that as many children as possible grow up together with their parents)
it is simply staggering. She certainly has a gift of grace! To present growing up with one's parents as if that is something Barnevernet will facilitate, something children will not be able to get unless Barnevernet gets it for them? Does Helleland live in the real world at all?


She is doing what Bufdir did in the days when Solveig Horne was Children's Minister too. They want the GOOD stories to be told and dominate the media. Helleland:

"Jeg er ikke redd for debatt om norsk barnevern, men håper at vi også kan få fram historier om alt det gode arbeidet barnevernet gjør for å beskytte barn hver eneste dag."
(I am not afraid of debates about Norwegian child protection, but I hope that we can also get the stories out about all the good work Barnevernet does to protect children every day.)

An everlasting debate, resulting in nothing for the victims of the present regime? A debate in which Barnevernet keeps saying that "Oh yes, that was food for thought" and "we will learn from it, for the future"?

Oh no, Helleland does not have to be afraid, as long as the reality is that she closes her eyes and ears for truth. She will not then have the experience of having to face what she and Barnevernet are causing.

I think it was actually Gro Hillestad Thune who said it first, in a discussion of precisely this cosy-story-telling technique, that it is just like having an airplane accident investigation board eagerly investigating every flight that went well.



 Post subject: Re: BBC documentaries: Parents against the State. 2016, 2018
PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:10 am 
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Einar C. Salvesen:
Propaganda eller realiteter om norsk barnevern?
(Propaganda or realities about Norwegian CPS?)
Lover og regelverk kan ha de beste intensjoner, men er avhengig av forvaltningskvalitet, og det er den som svikter.
(Laws and rules systems can have the best of intentions, but are dependent on quality in execution, and that is failing here.)
Aftenposten, 6 september 2018

"«Andre land vil se til Norge», sier barne- og likestillingsminister Linda Hofstad Helleland i intervju med Aftenposten. Slik snakker bare en minister som er satt til å styre et system hun ikke har hatt nærkontakt med. Vi er tusener av mennesker, fagfolk og lekfolk som har opplevd systemet fra innsiden, og erfart en annen virkelighet enn det ministeren prøver å fremstille."
('Other countries will look to Norway', says Child and Equality Minister Linda Hofstad Helleland in an Aftenposten interview. Only a Minister made to govern a system she has not been in close touch with talks in this way. We are thousands of people, experts and laymen, who have had experience of the system from the inside, and have met a different reality from the one the Minister tries to depict.)

"I de fleste saker som fører til omsorgsovertagelser er det heller ikke spørsmål om vold og overgrep, men finmåling av omsorg i fokus. Oppfatninger og synsing ut fra saksbehandlers og det enkelte barnevernskontors personlige preferanser og livshorisont kan her avgjøre hva som er god nok omsorg. Det mangesidige og nyanserte nett som menneskelige relasjoner og tilhørighet innebærer, kan bli feid over med lettvinte fortolkninger og misbruk av psykologisk teori."
(Nor is it in most cases leading to taking-into-care a question of violence and abuse, but a measurement in detail of care which is in focus. Beliefs and opinions on the basis of the case officer's and the individual child protection office's personal preferences and view of life can decide what is good enough care. The many-sided and nuanced net which human relations and belonging entails can be passed over with easy interpretations and misuse of psychological theory.)

"Omsorgsovertagelsens pris er skyhøy. Barn i fosterhjem mister kontakt med nettverk, blir utsatt for en traumatiserende samværsordning og har dårlig prognose. Gevinsten med å holde familien sammen er åpenbar."
(The price of taking into care is sky high. Children in foster homes lose contact with their network, are exposed to a traumatising visitation arrangement, and have bad pognosis. The gain of keeping the family together is obvious.)

I believe I have rarely seen as good a formulation: The price of taking into care is sky high.
It goes straight to the heart of the matter!

It is also possible that we can see yesterday's judgment in Strasbourg in relation to this. The judgment has e.g a reference to the CPS having given as a reason for the foster placement of Jansen's daughter the need for a special type of care, viz 'development-enhancing' care – the invention of the Raundalen committee (cf here). It means: One has declared that children do not need parents, what they need is any "care-giving person" who can give it a stimulating and safe environment. Now Strasbourg has come up with a judgment which says no to all this nonsense: Children need contact with their own parents. We must hope, hope, hope that it is not accidental in this judgment, but rather that the Court in Strasbourg has seen that the whole quackery must go.

So yes, taking into care has a price to be paid, and it is sky high!

Bravo to Salvesen!



 Post subject: Re: BBC documentaries: Parents against the State. 2016, 2018
PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 11:20 pm 
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Olav Terje Bergo:
Nordanger's CPS-haters
When children and parents are the target of gross misjudgement and abuse of power, they are completely within their rights to let it be known.
MHS's home page, 8 September 2018

Translation of Norwegian article published originally in Bergens Tidende on 4/5 September 2018.



 Post subject: Re: BBC documentaries: Parents against the State. 2016, 2018
PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 4:57 am 
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Olav Sylte, lawyer:
Europa har talt
(Europe has spoken / has addressed us), 6 September 2018

"Ettersom norsk rett i sin drøftelse av hva som var barnets beste, nettopp ikke vurderte skadevirkningen av total splitting og heller ikke muligheten for fremtidig tilbakeføring, anså menneskerettighetsdomstolen inngrepet som en krenkelse av menneskerettighetskonvensjonen artikkel 8."
(Since the Norwegian court treatment has, in its deliberations on what constitutes the child's best interest, not considered the harm of total separation nor the possibility of future reunion, the Court of Human Rights considered the actions as a violation of the human rights convention's Article 8.)

"Norges barnevernminister uttalte for noen dager siden til Dagbladet at hun var stolt, for hun mente at norsk barnevern var best i verden. Hun uttalte også til Aftenposten at Norge ikke ville akseptere korreks utenfra og vil ikke "vike en tomme", og at hun regnet med at andre land etter hvert ville følge etter Norge og vår praktisering av hva som er til barns beste."
(-Norway's children's minister said some days ago to Dagbladet that she was proud, since she held Norwegian child protection to be the best in the world. She also said to Aftenposten that Norway would not accept reprimand from outside and will not "give an inch", and that she counted on other countries by and by following Norway's example and practicing of what is in children's best interest.)

"Dagens avgjørelse viser at i hvert fall ikke menneskerettighetsdomstolen er villig til å følge etter norsk barnevern, og det endatil på et svært sentralt punkt; nemlig betydningen av splitting av familiens bånd."
(Today's decision shows that at least the human rights court is not willing to follow Norway's child protection's example, not even on a very central point, viz the importance of severing the family's bonds.)

"På mange måter slår egentlig dagens avgjørelse bena under på ministeren. Det spørs om [hun] nå er like stolt over sin etat, eller om hun vil akseptere og respektere at resten av Europa har talt."
(In many ways today's decision knocks the Ministerf off her feet. It is something of a question whether she is now equally proud of her cps agency, or whether she will accept and respect that the rest of Europe has spoken.)


 Post subject: Re: BBC documentaries: Parents against the State. 2016, 2018
PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 2:13 pm 
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The same article as in Dagbladet, just with a different title. In Avisa Nordland the article has a comments section, with several sharp comments so far:

Linda Hofstad Helleland, Minister of Children and Equality:
- Ansatte i barnevernet fortjener honnør og ikke daglige trusler for den krevende jobben de gjør
(– Employees in Barnevernet deserve credit and not daily threats for the demanding job they do.)
Avisa Nordland, 14 September 2018



 Post subject: Re: BBC documentaries: Parents against the State. 2016, 2018
PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 8:02 pm 
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Important article in Aftenposten:

Sakkyndig psykiater dømt for nedlasting av overgrepsfilmer: Kommunene bes vurdere å undersøke barnevernssakene på nytt
(Expert psychiatrist convicted for downloading of abuse films: The municipalities are asked to consider investigating the child protection cases again)
Barne- og likestillingsdepartementet oppfordrer nå kommunene til å undersøke om dømt psykiater er benyttet som sakkyndig i barnevernssaker og om disse sakene bør vurderes på nytt.
(The Ministry of Children and Equality now asks the municipalities to find out if the convicted psychiatrist has been engaged as an expert in child protection cases and if these cases should be taken up again.)
Aftenposten, 14 september 2018

(The article is also found in the paper issue of Aftenposten, with the somewhat less clear title "Helsetilsynet skal gå inn i psykiaterens gamle saker". (The Board of Health Supervision is to go into the old cases of the psychiatrist))

"Barne- og likestillingsdepartementet (BLD) ber nå Helsetilsynet i samarbeid med fylkesmennene om å sørge for at landets kommuner blir gjort kjent med at mannen i 50-årene er fratatt sin autorisasjon. Samtidig oppfordres kommunene til å undersøke om vedkommende er benyttet som sakkyndig i barnevernssaker, for å se om det foreligger forhold som tilsier at sakene bør vurderes på nytt.
    I oppdragsbrevet fra departementet bes Helsetilsynet om å planlegge og beskrive hvordan fylkesmennene og kommunene skal undersøke og følge opp sakene, «herunder behovet for involvering av de private parter» – som oftest foreldrene i en barnevernssak."

(The Ministry of Children and Equality now asks the Board of Health Supervision, in collaboration with the county governors, to see to it that the country's municipalities are informed of the fact that the man, in his 50s, has had his authorisation annulled. At the same time the municipalities are asked to find out whether this person has been engaged as an expert in child protection cases, in order to see whether there are facts indicating that the cases should be taken up again.)

"Ingen har oversikt over hvor ofte barne- og ungdomspsykiateren ble brukt som sakkyndig av de 295 barnevernstjenestene i landet før 2010, da Barnesakkyndig kommisjon ble opprettet."
(Nobody knows completely how often the child-and-youth psychiatrist was engaged as an expert by the 295 child protection agencies in the country before 2010, when the Expert Commission on Children was established.)

The article also points to the BBC documentary, and links both to the tv version, which is on youtube, and to the BBC's article version.

Aftenposten actually gives rather realistic account of Helleland and the reactions:
"Barne- og likestillingsminister Linda Hofstad Helleland (H) fikk krass kritikk fra flere hold fordi hun avslo å møte BBC-journalisten til et intervju. I et innlegg i Aftenposten forklarte hun avslaget med at hun ikke uttaler seg om enkeltsaker, men også dette fikk hun kritikk for etterpå."
(The Minister of Children and Equality Linda Hofstad Helleland (the Conservative Party) was harshly criticised from several quarters because she refused to meet the BBC journalist for an interview. In an interview in Aftenposten she explained her refusal by saying that she does not comment on individual cases, but this too she was criticised for afterwards.)

Aftenposten is too limited, though, in its reference to the "several suarters". They point to the system's defenders in articles they themselves have published. Still, this article's quality is considerably above most of what Aftenposten usually presents in the way of insight into child protection questions.

And something seems to be moving, even if it is surely against the establishment's wishes that it should do so.



 Post subject: Re: BBC documentaries: Parents against the State. 2016, 2018
PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 3:47 pm 
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**** (Name censored due to Norwegian authorities. -admin) has "given an opinion" on Anders Behring Breivik!


– Breiviks barndom helt sentral
(– Breivik's childhood absolutely central)
Dagbladet, på youtube, 16 September 2016
Video/Foto: Endre Vellene
"Video originally published on on 24.04.2012"

"Psykiater **** (Name censored due to Norwegian authorities. -admin) mener terrortiltalte Anders Behring Breivik gjør jobben til de sakkyndige vanskelig, når han lukker døren til barndommen sin."
(Psychiatrist **** (Name censored due to Norwegian authorities. -admin) thinks terror indicted Anders Behring Breivik makes the job og the experts difficult, when he closes the door to his childhood.)

This is probably an example of what was stated during the courtcase against **** (Name censored due to Norwegian authorities. -admin), viz that he has been very active in the media about questions concerning children, psychology, etc.
    In the video he speaks among other things about keeping psychotic symptoms hidden.
    About **** (Name censored due to Norwegian authorities. -admin) himself one might rather say that it is his adult life which is absolutely central (cf the video's title).



 Post subject: Re: BBC documentaries: Parents against the State. 2016, 2018
PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:10 pm 
Rang: Storbruker

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MH Skånland wrote:

Important article in Aftenposten:

Sakkyndig psykiater dømt for nedlasting av overgrepsfilmer: Kommunene bes vurdere å undersøke barnevernssakene på nytt
(Expert psychiatrist convicted for downloading of abuse films: The municipalities are asked to consider investigating the child protection cases again)
Barne- og likestillingsdepartementet oppfordrer nå kommunene til å undersøke om dømt psykiater er benyttet som sakkyndig i barnevernssaker og om disse sakene bør vurderes på nytt.
(The Ministry of Children and Equality now asks the municipalities to find out if the convicted psychiatrist has been engaged as an expert in child protection cases and if these cases should be taken up again.)
Aftenposten, 14 september 2018

(The article is also found in the paper issue of Aftenposten, with the somewhat less clear title "Helsetilsynet skal gå inn i psykiaterens gamle saker". (The Board of Health Supervision is to go into the old cases of the psychiatrist))


So what can be expected from this?


And why is that? First of all, it needs to be made clear that the municipalities are not interested in changing their views on anything related to CPS-cases. They are also not really interested in the content of the specialist reports. All they care about , is the support that the specialist witness gives them in cases concerning care-orders.

Whatever fault one will find in the specialist reports - our own CPS appointee-specialist-psychiatrist was criticized by the Norwegian Medical Association for moralizing and lack of neutrality - the municipality and any other authority will ignore the critique and let the specialist witness in the County Board or in Court.

When it comes to the Board of Health Supervision, they are themselves part of the problem. For instance, they have distributed a letter to the regional health supervisors (Fylkeslegen) that they should not engage in handling complaints regarding specialist witnesses.

Strange isn`t it? Especially when we know that also the specialists involved in CPS-cases are under the Norwegian Health Personnel Law, under which all other health professionals have to answer to any complaint from patients or clients.

So now the Board of Health Supervision, who themselves have actively obstructed the clients`possibilities of having the specialists`reports evaluated, are supposed to clear up the mess after the pedophile psychiatrist?

The truth of the matter is that any investigation where The Board of Health Supervision or the municipality are actively participating will be of absolutely no value.

This will be an evaluation leading to nothing, because the parties involved have not shown any genuine interest in strengtheing and enforcing the rights of the families, and because they also have little or no trust from the families involved in CPS-cases.

An evaluation should be done by outside- and unbiased professionals. Preferably from abroad.

The way it is done now, one can be 100% sure that the evaluation will be of no real value. One can also be confident that the victims - who might have had their families torn apart from a CPS supported by the suspended, de-authorized and punished psychiatrist - will not have any influence or any say in their investigations.

 Post subject: Re: BBC documentaries: Parents against the State. 2016, 2018
PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:35 pm 
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Warning to a psychologist who will not report families to the CPS Barnevernet

familien-er-samlet wrote:
When it comes to the Board of Health Supervision, they are themselves part of the problem."

As if to illustrate what familien-er-samlet says about the Board of Health Supervision, here they are, concerning the "opposite" kind of problem. They seem to act under their own steam and in no uncertain terms when it comes to such "deviation":

Avgjørelser i tilsynssaker og rapporter etter varsel om alvorlige hendelser
(Decisions in inspection cases and reports after warning about serious incidents)
Tilsynssak (Inspection case)
Ville ikke overholde meldeplikten til barnevernet – advarsel til psykolog
(Would not obey the obligation to give notice of concern to the CPS – warning to psychologist)
Helsetilsynet, 17 September 2018

"En psykolog i privat praksis skrev på facebook at han ikke ville oppfylle meldeplikten til barnevernet, og kom med generelle, nedsettende uttalelser om barnevernet i noen kommuner basert på egne erfaringer. Det gjaldt blant annet at barnevernstjenestene var dominert av feilansettelser og at den faglige kompetansen var så mangelfull at barnevernet ikke fortjener den tilliten meldeplikten innebærer."
(A psychologist in private practice wrote on facebook that he would not obey the rule of reporting concern to the CPS, and came with general, depreciatory statements about the CPS in some municipalities based on his own experiences. Among other things the content was that the child protection services were dominated by wrong appointments and that the professional competency was so lacking in quality that the CPS does not deserve the trust which the duty to report entails.)

"Statens helsetilsyn vurderte de grove, udokumenterte påstandene om barnevernet som sterkt avvikende fra det som forventes av en psykolog. De svekker tilliten til yrkesgruppen og kan ha skadelige følger, blant annet at andre lar være å melde bekymring. Psykologens innlegg i sosiale medier vitnet om manglende dømmekraft og evne til å reflektere over hvordan egne handlinger kan svekke tilliten til en selv som helsepersonell og yrkesgruppen. Statens helsetilsyn la også vekt på at psykologen ikke viste vilje til å la seg korrigere, og ga en advarsel."
(The State's Board of Health Supervision considers the grave, undocumented allegations about the CPS as strongly deviant from what is expected of a psychologist. They lessen the confidence in the profession and can have harmful consequences, among other things that others abstain from reporting concern. The psychologist's comments in social media bear witness to a lack of judgment and ability to reflect on how one's own actions can weaken the confidence to oneself as a representative of health personnel and to the profession. The State's Board of Health Supervision also finds it important that the psychologist did not show any will to let himself be corrected, and issued a warning.)

The Board of Health Supervision, formally responsible for the CPS, seems very worried that anybody working for the system should express any other opinion than the official one.

This place is becoming more like East Germany every day. It is very serious to refuse to report "worries" to the CPS, even if one knows that the CPS can absolutely not handle it adequately.
    But the fact that a child psychiatrist convicted of making use of films and pictures of sex abuse of children has delivered judgment on family members causing them to be separated from each other by force, is not something that the Board of Health Supervision are worried about.
    The Minister for children shrugs her shoulders at the child psychiatrist and says that he is just an individual who must answer for his own actions, sort of in a court case which would have been kept pretty confidential if nobody had against the will of the authorities brought it to public attention.
    On the other hand, the Minister's good helpers in managing the CPS, the Board of Health Supervision, think it will damage the whole psychological profession if one psychologist lets it be known that he thinks the CPS is so deficient that one cannot communicate with them about anything that needs to be done for a child. It is not the CPS which worries the Board, so they won't "inspect" it properly, it is the information about it, the criticism, they want to throttle.



 Post subject: Re: BBC documentaries: Parents against the State. 2016, 2018
PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:37 pm 
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Minister Helleland's article now turns up in two or three typically cps-defending papers. (It the same article that was published in Dagbladet and in Avisa Nordland some days ago).

Linda Hofstad Helleland:
Stolt av barnevernet
(Proud of Barnevernet)
Vårt Land, 18 September 2018

Linda Hofstad Helleland:
Jeg er stolt av norsk barnevern
(I am proud of Norwegian child protection)
Fædrelandsvennen, 18 September 2018

Linda Hofstad Helleland:
Jeg er stolt av norsk barnevern
Dagen, 18 September 2018

The state's propaganda machine is at work, then. At the same time, one might ask oneself whether they do not have anything else to bring forward as a defense against criticism which is to a large extent full of detailed knowledge and experience. Could it be because they do not have an actual, concrete defense? Just vague pronouncements about how fine everything is, except for a few individual cases which they do not care to discuss?



 Post subject: Re: BBC documentaries: Parents against the State. 2016, 2018
PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 7:10 pm 
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The article
The dystopia of the child-protection industry – From Norway to Britain, more kids are being seized from their parents
by Ashley Frawley from 9 August 2018

has the BBC documentary as its starting point. Cf Two articles by sociologist Ashley Frawley.



 Post subject: Re: BBC documentaries: Parents against the State. 2016, 2018
PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 7:12 pm 
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Update on the BBC documentary from Whewell:

Tim Whewell:
Norway backs down in child protection scandal
BBC News, 27 September 2018

"Norway is set to review a series of controversial child protection decisions involving a prominent expert convicted of downloading hundreds of thousands of images of child sex abuse."

It remains to be seen how effective and sincere a review with the necessary accompanying investigations will be. There is, after all, nobody among the hundreds (or thousands, depending on the level of authority accepted) of experts working in or around this system who is independent enough of the underlying ideology of child protection, and with sufficient ability, standing and independence of the authorities, to carry out a proper investigation.

"Norway's child protection agency, Barnevernet, has come under attack from some parents and child welfare professionals who say it often takes children into care without adequate justification."

The use of "some" here suggests that they are few, perhaps scattered. This is not so, and the **** (Name censored due to Norwegian authorities. -admin) case is no more controversial than a large number of other cases. It is a misunderstanding to think that the presence of an expert who has now been convicted of carrying out criminal activities while he at the same time assessed parents' suitability, is worse than a large number of such assessments carried out by other experts in the system every day.

"One mother, Cecilie, whose daughter has been taken into care said she was not optimistic about what the review would achieve."

Cecilie's prediction here is likely to be right.

"In June, the children and equality ministry told the BBC it could not comment on the case, and declined a request for an interview.
    Now, after considering its "handling of this case during the summer", it has called on local authorities to look into the psychiatrist's past cases, and told the health supervision board to work out how that can be done with the involvement of parents."

It is not correct that the Ministry has ordered the review to be carried out with the involvement of parents. The Health Supervision Board is to consider whether parents should have any part.

"The Child Expert Commission, in which he was involved more recently, reviews some 750 welfare recommendations every year. The head of the commission, Katrin Koch, told the BBC in July that she had looked into some of his reports and found no cause for concern."

The members of the Expert Commission have exactly the same background and largely hold the same views as other psychologists/psychiatrists working in the child protection system. Katrin Koch, a psychologist who has herself been criticised strongly by people she has evaluated or acted for over her evaluations in a number of cases for more than 20 years, and who is now the head of the Commission, said in an interview that looking into 25 of **** (Name censored due to Norwegian authorities. -admin) reports, she had particularly looked for whether his assessments deviated from those of other Commission members, particularly whether he had been particularly lenient towards parents who had tendencies in the direction of sexual deviance. Koch said she had not found **** (Name censored due to Norwegian authorities. -admin) assessments to differ from others. This is not the same as there being no cause for concern.

Of course the psychological establishment sees no difference. The entire work of the Expert Commission is much the same. In reality it gives plenty of cause for concern, irrespective of whether **** (Name censored due to Norwegian authorities. -admin) is the only sexual offender on the Commission. Does Whewell believe that the psychological establishment in Norway is all right, just with the odd rotten apple? Does he believe that the other members of the Expert Commission have more of a scientific, realistic basis than **** (Name censored due to Norwegian authorities. -admin) for their assessments? **** (Name censored due to Norwegian authorities. -admin) has apparently been quite fond of judging families negatively and recommending that they should be forcibly destroyed by the children being taken. But so have the other members of the Commission, much as all the experts around the country do every day.

The statements from Koch are in reality very revealing both of the Expert Commission and the authorities, and of Koch.

It is hard for the Ministry & Co to do what should be done because nobody centrally knows (at least they claim not to know and not to be able to find out) in which cases around the country **** (Name censored due to Norwegian authorities. -admin) has been involved, and the affected families by and large do not know that the convicted psychiatrist is **** (Name censored due to Norwegian authorities. -admin). It is left to the municipalities to decide whether they want to find out from their own archives whether he has been active and if so, what his assessments have recommended. With what we know about municipalities' attitude to child protection: that it should be kept secret from everybody, it is unlikely that many of them will do a proper search. Besides, everybody is likely to claim that the important thing is whether **** (Name censored due to Norwegian authorities. -admin) assessments have been "unusual", not whether they have been realistic and fair. The usual in child protection assessments, as well as in the Expert Commission's examining of such assessments, is not realistic and fair. One might as well tear up the entire set of reports which keep thousands of children in confinement under the control of Barnevernet.

As far as Katrin Koch herself is concerned, it does not take much to be a better psychologist than she is, when she has especially looked for whether **** (Name censored due to Norwegian authorities. -admin) has shown partiality to parents who have been into use of abuse pictures or other sexual aberrations. She should rather look for the extreme opposite. A person who hides his own nefarious activities is more likely to act particularly moralistic and censorious of such activities in others, to prevent anybody suspecting him of having the same tendencies himself.

" 'We didn't cross the finish line when we won,' Inez says. 'We still have to get family dynamics back and we have to co-operate with the Child Protection Service. They had my head on the block for five years. I'm willing to cooperate with them, but it's strange.' "

This is interesting information. The Bodnariu family got their children back on the same condition: that they should cooperate with the CPS. In practice, the CPS made their lives in Norway unbearable, directing them and bothering them unreasonably and continually. The Bodnarius then went to Romania for their summer holidays, and decided to stay there for good. The response of the CPS was to announce that they would transfer the case to Romanian CPS.

Whewell ends his article by referring to Minister Helleland, who says: "Where a conflict arises between the interests of the child and the parents, we shall be on the child's side. On this point I won't give an inch."

It is left to the reader to try and guess whether Tim Whewell and the BBC agree with Helleland. It is not at all certain that he does not think it is "objective" to hold both sides to be right on something, i.e to buy her judgment of CPS cases basically being conflicts between parents and children and the CPS serving "the child's best interest".



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