Warning to a psychologist who will not report families to the CPS Barnevernetfamilien-er-samlet wrote:
When it comes to the Board of Health Supervision, they are themselves part of the problem."
As if to illustrate
what familien-er-samlet says about the Board of Health Supervision, here they are, concerning the "opposite" kind of problem. They seem to act under their own steam and in no uncertain terms when it comes to such "deviation":
Avgjørelser i tilsynssaker og rapporter etter varsel om alvorlige hendelser(Decisions in inspection cases and reports after warning about serious incidents)Tilsynssak (Inspection case)Ville ikke overholde meldeplikten til barnevernet – advarsel til psykolog(Would not obey the obligation to give notice of concern to the CPS – warning to psychologist)Helsetilsynet, 17 September 2018
"En psykolog i privat praksis skrev på facebook at han ikke ville oppfylle meldeplikten til barnevernet, og kom med generelle, nedsettende uttalelser om barnevernet i noen kommuner basert på egne erfaringer. Det gjaldt blant annet at barnevernstjenestene var dominert av feilansettelser og at den faglige kompetansen var så mangelfull at barnevernet ikke fortjener den tilliten meldeplikten innebærer."(I psychologist in private practice wrote on facebook that he would not obey the rule of reporting concern to the CPS, and came with general, depreciatory statements about the CPS in some municipalities based on his own experiences. Among other things the content was that the child protection services were dominated by wrong appointments and that the professional competency was so lacking in quality that the CPS does not deserve the trust which the duty to report entails.)"Statens helsetilsyn vurderte de grove, udokumenterte påstandene om barnevernet som sterkt avvikende fra det som forventes av en psykolog. De svekker tilliten til yrkesgruppen og kan ha skadelige følger, blant annet at andre lar være å melde bekymring. Psykologens innlegg i sosiale medier vitnet om manglende dømmekraft og evne til å reflektere over hvordan egne handlinger kan svekke tilliten til en selv som helsepersonell og yrkesgruppen. Statens helsetilsyn la også vekt på at psykologen ikke viste vilje til å la seg korrigere, og ga en advarsel."(The State's Board of Health Supervision considers the grave, undocumented allegations about the CPS as strongly deviant from what is expected of a psychologist. They lessen the confidence in the profession and can have harmful consequences, among other things that others abstain from reporting concern. The psychologist's comments in social media bear witness to a lack of judgment and ability to reflect on how one's own actions can weaken the confidence to oneself as a representative of health personnel and to the profession. The State's Board of Health Supervision also finds it important that the psychologist did not show any will to let himself be corrected, and issued a warning.)The Board of Health Supervision, formally responsible for the CPS, seems very worried that anybody working for the system should express any other opinion than the official one.
This place is becoming more like East Germany every day. It is very serious to refuse to report "worries" to the CPS, even if one knows that the CPS can absolutely not handle it adequately.
But the fact that a child psychiatrist convicted of making use of films and pictures of sex abuse of children has delivered judgment on family members causing them to be separated from each other by force, is not something that the Board of Health Supervision are worried about.
The Minister for children shrugs her shoulders at the child psychiatrist and says that he is just an individual who must answer for his own actions, sort of in a court case which would have been kept pretty confidential if nobody had against the will of the authorities brought it to public attention.
On the other hand, the Minister's good helpers in managing the CPS, the Board of Health Supervision, think it will damage the whole psychological profession if one psychologist lets it be known that he thinks the CPS is so deficient that one cannot communicate with them about anything that needs to be done for a child. It is not the CPS which worries the Board, so they won't "inspect" it properly, it is the information about it, the criticism, they want to throttle.